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Hi, I seem to have a little problem..well, in fact it's pretty messy. K, heres how the story goes....


I met my current g/f couple of months ago, we were doin fine den her ex came back into her life, so she sorta left me heart breaking for a while. After some time, her ex ditched her again, and she came back to me...( i know you all are gonna say I'm just a spare tyre..) Anyway, my family (mum n sisters) knows about this situation, so everytime when she comes my house, they always give her the 'look'...coz of what's shes done to me...know what I mean? And she hasn't been too friendly towards my family either..as in she just walks past them without even saying 'hello' or anything...(not all the time)


Its pretty obvious she doen't like my family, all because I had been big mouth about my situation in the first place, otherwise things might not have been so worse. I always ask her to join me for meals at my home but she rejects it..saying that there are co many people around and it's kinda shy. I have constantly told my family, especially my sisters not to look at her that way, coz now she's really back with me, and not playing me around.


Now the problem lies with her..she doesn't want to try to click with my family, and I really don't know what to do. We had a tiff couple of days ago and now she's kinda pissed off saying that she won't ever come my house again...


I'm caught in the middle man...need to hear from you ppl...thanks!

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Who knows, that girl can't ever make up her mind. What made her decide to leave the ex and come back to you again, and WHY do you think she isn't going to go back to the ex again?

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if I really care about a guy and I want the relationship to work out then I try to get along with his friends and especially with his family. No matter what they think of me, or what I did in the past! That's how I see it.

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