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First date going to second date help


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I was out on a date last night. First one in a long while. I met this women at a pool hall where I was at a friends Birhtday party. She was cute and I got her to talk to me so I asked her for your phone number which I got and called and talked to her for about 2 hours on the phone. We went on the date 3 days after talking on the phone. It started off really wierd every resturant I wanted to take her to was closed. So we went with another couple that I knew to Kelsey's and had supper and than went and played laser tag and card with them than her and I went to a movie and than talked in my vehicle for about an hour. She lives 45 minutes away from me. Well I asked her tonight by calling her if she enjoyed last night and she said yes. I asked her if she would like to go out on Saturday and she said yes and I asked if there was any where that she would like to go and she said it doesn't matter and I am confused I asked a few questions and did not get answers but other things she would talk about. I also asked if she wanted to go other than the city I live in and hers go out of there and she said that my city is fine. Thing is I have a good and bad feeling in my stomach I am not sure what it means. There is alot in common we have and all I like her she kissed me on the date but now I am seeming to be getting a distance feeling from her I am not sure how to read her and not sure what to do please help????? :confused:

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Ladies like men to take the lead in dating, especially during the initial stages. Don't be asking her a lot of questions about where she wants to go and what she wants to do. Use your good sense and plan a day or evening of fun based on what you would like to do and what you think she would like to do.


If you plan enough dates doing stuff she doesn't enjoy doing, she'll write you off as incompatible and that's a good thing. She doesn't want somebody who likes a lot of things she doesn't...and you don't want that either.


If she tells you exactly what she wants to do and where she wants to go, that defeats the entire purpose of dating.


And, again, always remember...a women wants a take-charge kind of gentleman who has a plan and excecutes it.


I have no idea why you're having the feelings you are. This lady is as normal as they come and I see no reason to be alarmed or uneasy in any way.

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You have all the answers you need for now. She said she had a good time and that she wanted to go out with you again. What more do you want to know?


She also said she doesn't care where you go out to. That's a pretty strong indication that she wants to be in your company at least one more time.


My only advice is, don't take her to a strip club.

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So your getting worked up over nothing. Besides, you've just begun dating her. It takes more than one or two dates to know someone.


Ask her what she likes to do for fun. What her favorite foods are. You will have a better idea of how to plan out your next evening.

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