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I have been seeing a guy for almost four months and we send alot of time together. I stay at his house or he stays at mine. and I feel that he feels the same about me as i do him but sometimes i wounder about it like for instance i stayed with him this weekend and left on sunday and he didnt call me on monday and not sure if hes going to call me today does this mean anything

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If you spend a lot of time together, what difference does it make if he doesn't call you on some exact schedule. Give the guy a break. Be thankful you aren't the only thing he's got happening in his life.


If he didn't call you one day, that's a good sign he's got other things going...work, school, family, friends, etc. Be glad. And you need to get other things happening in your life besides sitting around waiting for him to call you on the phone.


Now, if he doesn't call you before next weekend, I'd say you may have a problem. But even then, don't call him. Let him wonder why you aren't wondering.

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thank you Tony,

I do have a life out side of him but hes all i think about anymore and i have got some strong feelings for him and i think thats why i get these wired feelings about him not calling me. i havent told him about these feelings hoping that he can see it should i say anything to him or just let it be.

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I don't know what it means, but don't call him and don't wait around for him to call. Go do something with your friends or family in the mean time.


Try not to read anything into this and try not to make this into a problem until there is one. The next time you do talk to him, don't mention your anxiety over him not calling when you wanted him to. Just tell him you are glad to hear from him (which you will be, right?).


One thing guys don't like is to be nagged by their girlfriend about "why didn't you call me?" but if this becomes a pattern and you don't like it, by all means tell him you would like to hear from him once a day or once every couple of days. Leave it at that and see what happens.


Just don't sit around waiting for him. You really do have a life other than the one with your boyfriend. Go live it. Sitting around moping or getting upset because he doesn't call will not get you where you want to be.


Good luck.

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It seems like everything is working fine. You both have spent alot of time together. If you feel like your ivesting too much emotion and feelings into him and are scaring yourself than back away. Alot of men will do that as well.


You havent giving him enough time to call. A person doenst have to call everyday to show interest. Im sure you guys will hook up very soon. If not let us know and we will be here for ya.

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