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Falling on the same pattern...


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Hello all- You don't know me but I'm stable, extroverted, and overall happy with my life. That is- until I meet a guy I like. I tend to obsess about him. I take things 'further' in my mind, even before I have a clear indication he's interested for something more or not! Then I get easily disappointed when he gives mixed messages- falling for someone is painful more than it's fun. What am I suffering from, doctor? What's the cure? Thanks!

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You're not suffering from anything. You just want love like everybody else. However, it sounds like you are really ready for it and that can be very dangerous. You need to cool your jets and not expect a lot to happen...not put a great deal into each new person you meet. Love will happen in its own good time.


If you appear too eager or you come on too strong, you will not be attractive to most of the guys you like.


Whether it's playing games or not, I don't care what people say, if you want to be successful at love you initially have to play things cool. If you go bananas for guys during your initial stages of getting to know each other, they will pick up on that and a potential relationship can be lost.


Just be cool and calm. Go slow. Love that cooks on simmer for a while is so much nicer in the long run.


Good luck...and be cool!!!

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I was out with the girls one night club hopping. The hottest guy in the place danced with me all night. I wasnt even looking for anyone. I just wanted to dance. He didnt leave my side or try to put his hands all over me like the others. At the end of the evening I agreed to give him my number. He took me on the most romantic dates I had ever been on. One evening he even said he wanted me to be his girlfriend. Well I wanted to take it slow and declined even though I wanted to say yes. Over a few weeks he was ready to jump in my bed. So he thinks Im playing head games with him since I wont, or at least thats what his friend told me about him. I told him that we would have to get know each other to be sure thats what we want before I go on with the strip show. Well a few weeks later he says he doesnt want a girlfriend because he just came out of a four year r/s. So now whos playing the head games? He takes me on these wonderful dates, is nice as he can be, is so wonderful to be around. Than he says he doesnt want a girlfriend. Whats the point in impressing, it doesnt get anyone laid any faster!


I herd a rumer about him over the weekend that hes the pimp daddy of the year! I just about died when I herd that. I dont see him as a big ladies man. Than again I dont know him well enough to say that hes not.


I want him, but there comes a point when you have to tell your mind or your heart to slow down. That its just a case of lust and if you want him, do whats right, thats slow down, put those feelings and emotions on the back burner. You have to train yourself just how far to go emotionally. You can help it!


To my expierence, I think you just eventually learn how to control emotions after dealing with so many heartbreaks.

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