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I am the biggest pussy ever

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I was at food court with my acquaintence and I says to him, "look over there, I see a fine young lady, methinks I may fancy her image" So in order to show my acquaintence who had balls and who didnt, I approached the female and she began to carress her hair and maybe flirt with me a small bit. I did not obtain her phone nymber, but i asked my acquaintence if she was a fine young lady to which he repiled "indeed". Then I sees her at filling station, and stop my car to say hello, but got sidetracked by some chap I havenot seen in years!!!!!! What am I to do??? I fancy her, and Marta says I should not stop car when I do not need fuel like that so as to frightenyoung ladied but she is wrong!!! I may obtain her # using Internet should I call???

Tony I want sex from young lay, but I want love and a companion in a nice female as well not just sex but some of that would be very, very nice. what is a regular guy to do ? I just want a girlfriend really, really bad!!!!

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First, you may want to get your testosterone level checked. If you have an abnormal desire for sex, you may have an abnormally high level of testosterone and a physician can help you get this down.


You won't score much sex until you change your attitude. Your first desire should be to find a very nice female companion who you have a lot in common with who also desires to be with you. Sex will be a biproduct of that relationship if it's going to happen.


Prostitution is illegal in most cities so that is not an option available to you. However, if you're ever in Las Vegas, knock yourself out.


There is no way you can ever know if you want sex from any particular lady until you know her well. Did you get close enough to the gal in the food court to see if she had body odor? She may have not bathed in months. Did she have fresh breath? She may have just finished a dish thick with raw onions. She may have even been a male...a cross dresser. I have seen some beautiful women on talk shows who were actually men with make-up. And they go to the food court a lot. I would die if I pursued one of those. If she was a bonafide female and you were that excited, a lot of guys may have been likewise excited before you and given her a salad of sexually transmitted diseases, one of which could possibly cause your penis to fall off.


So I think the safest thing for you to do is get to know a lady well before you make the determination you want to have sex with her. Get to know all about her and show her you are interested in her as a person...not as a sex object.


Now there are exceptions. If the gal just wants to go for it right off the bat and you're reasonably certain the encounter won't give you a killer disease...and you wear a condom...go for it, pal. Just get checked out by your doctor for a few months thereafter. (It takes four months or more for you to become HIV positive for AIDs after sex with a carrier) And don't do it right there in the food court. Sex in the public areas of the mall are against the law.


Wanting love and a companion is a perfectly normal and human thing. Unfornately on this occasion you were distracted. At the time this happens, it's always a bitch. But the opportunity always presents itself again.


So don't be so upset. You're not a pussy. I have a cat and I never hold it responsible for my successes or failures at love...so just leave the felines out of it.


Give yourself another chance on another day. And change your attitude a bit. Get some of your friends to introduce you to a nice lady you may like. Love is always out there and comes when we least expect it.

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