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I'm new to the city I live in and don't know anyone here yet. Reading the local newspaper last night. Read a personal ad from a guy in my age group who's new to here also and is looking for someone to hang out with, etc. He wrote that he's looking for "fun and frolic".......he did describe that he's attractive and professionally employed, so if he was only looking for someone to see the sights with, why describe that he's good looking? Do you think the "fun and frolic" part might indicate that he's looking for someone to have 'sexual fun' with too? I'm not really sure what one would mean by frolic. I have always interpreted that word to be something of a sexual nature. I could be wrong though.

I have thought of replying to his ad but I'm not interested in a guy who's just looking for a fun/screw partner. Thanks

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1. "...so if he was only looking for someone to see the sights with, why describe that he's good looking?"


I think that's just a point he would make in order to get more calls. There are a lot of ladies who want to hang out with a good looking guy. Also, less attractive females would probably not respond after hearing that for fear of ultimate rejection. I think it was a good move on his part and totally irrelevant to his agenda.


2. "Do you think the "fun and frolic" part might indicate that he's looking for someone to have 'sexual fun' with too?"


I think most men would be inclined to be looking for that. But how about taking on some responsibility here? Respond to the ad. Meet him in a public place the first few times. Size him up. Hell, you may be the one to want to seduce him.


You will be the one calling the shots and if you don't want to see him again or if he is wanting a sexual thing and you are not, what happens is your decision. You hold all the power!


I think you are being overanalytical here. Respond to his ad, give him a call, talk to him on the phone and ask some good questions. If you are OK with the answers, meet him in an area where there are other people around...a cafe, shopping mall food court, etc.,...and get to know him better.


This is basically the way you must handle any ads you respond to. I certainly encourage you to see where this guy's coming from. However, do not give him your home address or your phone number until you've been married to him at least five years!!!

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Hi sunluvver,


It's hard to say what this guy may be looking for. I am not up on the terminology for personal ads so I don't know what "fun and frolic" means either.


The best thing you can do is be cautious. Here is a link to some tips that might help you if you decide to contact him.


[color=blue]10 Tips for Online Dating Safety[/color]

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I don't think I'm being overanalytical at all. I think I am merely being cautious. I simply wondered what context "fun and frolic" would most commonly be, or what the majority of people here might take it as.


I just don't want to waste my time. I have a pretty busy life and I just dont' have time to waste meeting someone who's only looking for a casual sex partner.


I've met a few guys through personals and they initially sounded like decent, wholesome, sincere men who were looking first for friendship and more if there was a connection. As it turned out, on our first meeting, they were quick to bring up the topic of sex, masturbation and other bold things. A very awkward situation that I didn't appreciate and wasn't prepared for. My city is not very big and I have no desire to meet a weirdo who's just looking to sleep around.


Just was curious if "frolic" was more of a sexual innuendo is all.

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So you're not over analytical. Then why don't you just call this guy and ask him what he means?


There is no good purpose in trying to guess what somebody else means. There is simply no way on earth we on this forum can possibly know the thought this guy was trying to convey.


My guess is that he was just trying to use colorful wording. I personally see no innuendo whatsoever about "fun and frolic." But the meaning HE gives to those words is his and his alone.


If you are that troubled about the wording, just don't call him. I'm sorry you haven't had such good luck with guys. Finding quality people is a big problem for everybody but there are decent people out there.


I think you may be better off meeting people through friends, organizations or other activities you may be involved with. You won't have to guess about what is meant by the wording of personal ads.

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You want to get out and meet people during your free time. You may end up enjoying him, a friendship may blosom from there.


You just have to take a chance. Ask him to meet you somewhere that wont require spending too much time with him at first. Like drinks, if you do. You dont have to plan a dinner date. Call the shots, your in control of you, what you want and what your more comfortable doing.


I see your point though, you dont want to waste your time with a man whos looking for a booty call chick. You said he mentioned he works hard and is professional. Hes also good-looking, go give it a try.

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