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post manic depression?

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I think I have bi-polar disorder or post-manic depression. I do not want to go see a doctor or take medications. I do martial arts and exercise vigoursly.. I am eithier really happy or just sad. The thing is this only happens in a 6 month time span and it's usually seasonal. From May-Sept I'm usuallyt very content 90 percent of the time...

I'll get into my normal depression during the cold moths usually.


Whenever I like a girl I get attached and when I get denied I just get really really upset. I dont harass them or ask them why they don't like me I just stop talknig to them. However, the pain lasts form 6-12 months then I get over it and I'm happy. Once I'm over it anthoer girl always coems into the picture and they deny me again (I always end up gonig back into relationships because I feel lonely.) I don't know what it is because when I like soembody I'm not bi-polarish i can't really explian it. I just wanna know if theres anyways to cope with this depression because about 4 hours ago I was happy and now I;m really sad and it's because of this girl I hooked up with that hasn't called me back and i'm not gonna call her until she contacts me so I might never speak to her again...


I know I'm gonig to get hey get into religon and exercise and think positive. That can only last so long. I'm not trying to sound cokcy eithier I am actually am a pretty good looking guy and I got voted best dressed in the school. I just got arrested when I was 11 because I kinda "stalked" this girl online who broke up with me. Now I soiund like a psycho but whatever. I don't have too great of a relatinoship with my parents and I just feel liek nobody understands me. I used to be sponsored for lnogboard skateboarding but it became boring to me ( I used it to cope for my depression). I am now 17 and like I don't know I used to be very popular until that situation when I was 11. Nobody mentions it really but when i meet girls out of my town they usually fall for me quickly. I just don't know what I'm doing with myself. I just feel kinda helpless :p so I don't think anybody can fix this but me but does anybody have any tips? I would also like to add I don't drink or smoek or do anything nor never tried. I'm in the wrong forum I think but if anybody needs help with any sort of abuse pm me because I'm the vice president of the anti drug club in my school and have four years experience of helping people with drug problems, which soudns weird because I'm depressed at times !

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