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i'm finding that a lot of guys ask me out if i express an interest (not in words, but just by giving them extra attention).


so my question is ... do they start liking me because i seem to be interested? or they like me before that, but were afraid to ask until they felt that extra attention from me?


i personally have the opposite reaction: if someone seems to like me, i'm less interested than if he seems to not care.


isn't all this a little strange?


-girl :)

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Yes, what you describe here is rather strange.


There are a great number of guys that will ask you out if they are interested in you. Fewer of them will ask you out if you show little or no interest in them and even fewer than that will ask you out a second or third time if you show little or no interest in them.


If the only guys you are interested in are the ones that basically ignore you or show little or no interest in you, I'm afraid you are in for a rough time.


What you have just stated is that you may have some interest in a guy until he shows some interest in you, then you are not interested anymore. No offense but, I find this to be rather bizarre.


Maybe the only real interest you have in any guy is the fantasy of what you think he may be like. If that's the case, the only (big) problem is that it may take you a long time to find a guy that lives up to your Yes, what you describe here is rather strange.


There are a great number of guys that will ask you out if they are interested in you. Fewer of them will ask you out if you show little or no interest in them and even fewer than that will ask you out a second or third time if you show little or no interest in them.


If the only guys you are interested in are the ones that basically ignore you or show little or no interest in you, I'm afraid you are in for a rough time.


What you have just stated is that you may have some interest in a guy until he shows some interest in you, then you are not interested anymore. No offense but, I find this to be rather bizarre.


Maybe the only real interest you have in any guy is the fantasy of what you think he may be like. If that's the case, the only (big) problem is that it may take you a long time to find a guy that lives up to your fantasy...if one even exists at all.


Good Luck

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Hmmm. I don't know how that happened. Maybe reading it twice will mean more somehow?

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you sort of misunderstood me. it's not that i stop being interested once he's interested. it's that ... ya basically it's a hunting thing - once the victim's mine, i'm ready to move on. *shrug* poor guys :p


my main Qn was:


if somebody does nothing for a while, but once *i* show a lil interest, they ask me out.


does that mean they liked me before & were afraid to ask, or my lil interest got them to start liking me?


or i can't know unless i ask the guy?



Yes, what you describe here is rather strange.


There are a great number of guys that will ask you out if they are interested in you. Fewer of them will ask you out if you show little or no interest in them and even fewer than that will ask you out a second or third time if you show little or no interest in them. If the only guys you are interested in are the ones that basically ignore you or show little or no interest in you, I'm afraid you are in for a rough time. What you have just stated is that you may have some interest in a guy until he shows some interest in you, then you are not interested anymore. No offense but, I find this to be rather bizarre.


Maybe the only real interest you have in any guy is the fantasy of what you think he may be like. If that's the case, the only (big) problem is that it may take you a long time to find a guy that lives up to your Yes, what you describe here is rather strange. There are a great number of guys that will ask you out if they are interested in you. Fewer of them will ask you out if you show little or no interest in them and even fewer than that will ask you out a second or third time if you show little or no interest in them. If the only guys you are interested in are the ones that basically ignore you or show little or no interest in you, I'm afraid you are in for a rough time. What you have just stated is that you may have some interest in a guy until he shows some interest in you, then you are not interested anymore. No offense but, I find this to be rather bizarre.


Maybe the only real interest you have in any guy is the fantasy of what you think he may be like. If that's the case, the only (big) problem is that it may take you a long time to find a guy that lives up to your fantasy...if one even exists at all. Good Luck

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For rational people, it is the rational thing to be interested in people who show an interest in them. It is insane to go for people who obviously are not inclined to have any kind of desire for our company.


If you show an interest in somebody and they respond in kind, you can be assured that they have at least some degree of sanity and that's a good place to start.


You should seriously worry about people who show an interest in you after you ignore them or are rude to them...which is what a lot of immature people do. You know, that challenge thing.

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Yeah, well, it's not the first time I have misunderstood someone and it won't be the last.


You asked, "does that mean they liked me before & were afraid to ask, or my lil interest got them to start liking me?"


If you are genuinely interested in a guy and he asks you out on a date, why are you worried about why he asked you out?

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