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Confused About G/F


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Well I am on a confused level. she is 19 I am 23.


I love the girl I am with I care for her I worry about her when she is not around I want to and try (mostly not annoyingly) to give her a good time make her smile confort her etc. . .


She has been acting strange in the last 4 weeks it had got better a bit but is still strange. It all started when I excepted a job at a place that she works at once maybe twice a week and she did not like that but the owner needed another person because she is volunteering alot of places and has archery tournments when he needs her so he asked if I would fill in for her when she was not there. I excepted so she got upset and would not talk to me. Than after that it became that she was annoyed suddenly that when at the local hockey games that she volunteers at I was at and was getting in her way by talk to her a bit. (but she stops and talks to everyone else and that is ok)also she says she has alot of stress from the college work she has. I had to figure this out for myself. So I talk to her and told her I would quit the one job and go on well she says no and it is ok but I will not ever work with her. o.k. I thought everything was ok Wrong she was fine for one night than it is all over again but now she doesn't want to be alone with me, only wants to go with me when it is something either she doesn't have a ride, it costs money and well I end up with the bill, or I have info that she wants, odd to is if I am going with one of her friends b/f out he has his g/f so she comes along (but they like her and all but not the way she is treating me) I have been asking her for two weeks to have time alone and she says soon or yes. has not happened yet. I was wondering if it was what happened around that time to was that she was laying down I was giving her a massage which led to (under the blanket so I did not see anything but felt) me playing with her pussy ( she is a virgin too.) I asked her if she wanted me to stop and she said no it feels good and keep going she moved a bit into my finger which started to penatrate her and she layed there smiling than she started to fall a sleep and before that she says that I can keep going if I want to but just if her parents come home stop and do her pants up I did go for about a minute than I got up and washed my hand and watched t.v. and well her parents came home I left went home and the following week is when the problems started. could this also be a part of it ??? she is wanting to slow up, getting scared that she actually is in love, scared that we are really serious and never been there??? I know she doesn't want sex before marriage and that is for me too I was thinking of telling her that just to re-assure her but I am not sure if I should.


I have also asked her what she thinks about me and she says she loves me and doesn't want to lose me. She is also telling me that she loves me. is she just being nice and hoping i will break up with her or is she just floating till the trip is over in May??( the trip in may is there is her me and another couple (the ones that i talked about earlier) are going camping in may for 4days and 3 nights she (my g/f) really has no money so i will be paying for it and she like to camp and really has no body to go with other than her parents or has a vehicle of their own as I own my own vehicle)thing is I fell I am being used and I care for her so much i am not sure how i can let go. or ask her what is up Please Help me


Thanks all


P.S. I told her how I felt last night she said that I have changed and it is just me. I said sorry than and went on my way. I also called her today and told her that I loved her and that is all I was calling for and she did not say a thing so I asked if she heard me and she says yes and what do you want I said nothing and I will let her go she was saying me too. or a month ago I love you back Is she just playing me?????

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Ok I have not gotten a response to the the last message I left. I am now just confused. I talked to my g/f and well told her how I feel and she tells me it is my additude but the thing is everyone else asks me what is matter with her. Not me. Three days ago we were out and I was going to buy flowers for her and she says no to flowers so last night I bought a single rose and gave it to her and she did not say it to me but to friends that we both have that she said no flowers and I did anyways they told me this so I later asked her that night if she was mad or upset with me and did I do anything wrond she tells me no everything is great. But she has an additude still and is always busy but told me that she doesn't want to break up and she loves me what does this mean????

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It means she's not the right lady for you. What is the point in remaining with a lady who has an attitude and who doesn't show you she enjoys your company and is very grateful for the flower you gave her.


You need to be with a lady who you know without a doubt wants to be with you, enjoys your company, and shows you by her words and her actions.


You need to be with a lady with whom you have excellent communications. You shouldn't have to ask her whether or not she is mad at your. If you do something that upsets her, she discusses it with you.


This gal of yours has you all confused and that's not the way good relationships should be. Have a talk with her and if you can't come to some sort of agreement that will cure the matter, give her the boot. Life is just way too short to put up with this kind of crap.


There are some wonderful women out there who will make you feel like a million dollars...if you give them the chance.

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I think giving her a flower was a lovely gesture, nothing wrong, at all with that. If she is not open to communication, than she is the one with the problem.


Set the tone, dont let her bother you by shutting you out.


Let her work for your attention now. Let her come to you to talk when she is ready. Your not a mind reader, so there is no need to upset yourself.


Continue showing your affection, if she wants you and needs you, she should spill.


If she doesnt change, its going to hurt your r/s, and you.


How long have you had a r/s with her? You may want to back off completely from her, test her, when she comes out with whats bothering her, tell her she cant shut you like that anymore. If she does it again, you will have serious second thoughts on being with her.


I have kept every flower over the last two years. I have a lovely dried arrangment with a story behind each bud. I think its absolutely lovely when a man gives a women a flower.


Ok I have not gotten a response to the the last message I left. I am now just confused. I talked to my g/f and well told her how I feel and she tells me it is my additude but the thing is everyone else asks me what is matter with her. Not me. Three days ago we were out and I was going to buy flowers for her and she says no to flowers so last night I bought a single rose and gave it to her and she did not say it to me but to friends that we both have that she said no flowers and I did anyways they told me this so I later asked her that night if she was mad or upset with me and did I do anything wrond she tells me no everything is great. But she has an additude still and is always busy but told me that she doesn't want to break up and she loves me what does this mean????
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