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Does anyone else get made fun of and have kids displaying intimidating behaviour...

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Strange how this seems to have highlighted a difference in youth culture between US/UK?


What's wrong with the UK that we have kids like this with absolutely no respect for their elders?


I don't know who else to blame but the parents. I'd be disgusted if my kids acted like that towards an adult. And I certainly didn't act that way when I was young. I was taught to respect adults.


It may be kids being kids. But is this really how we want our future generation to act?!


Anyway... a bit O/T! Sorry Ross. I'll post again shortly with some info I promised! :)

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I wouldnt label the kids in the US as angels yet, we have school shootings and of course the less severe stuff like Ding dong door beel ditch, Hiding in the bushes and leaving flaming poo at a doorstep, and egging people houses not to mention all kind of bulying goes one here to. Me and my friends made fun of adults when we were in our early teens I remember that even when we were kids sometimes we had fun doing things to adults like throwing pebles and stuff at their cars or them.

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I chose people I knew would take offense. It's not fun to make fun of people that doesn't get bothered by it. Haha, I think kids sometimes can tell who will be bothered.

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