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"stripper tattoos"

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Anyone have a problem with them or is it me? I am crazy for this girl and can't stop thinking about her but just found out she has a so called stripper tattoo on her lower back. She wants to put another tattoo on her back too. I think of her every day. Its just the tattoo. I have never been into all that something small fine but I am just so bothered by them. Until now I thought she was perfect. I hope it will pass because I really care about her. What do you guys think?

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It's her choice to do what she wants to her body. If you can't live with her choices, you may not be the right person to be with her. Sorry for the bluntness, but it's the truth.

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Also known as a "stripper barcode". Favored by strippers and porn stars and young women showing too much flesh and too little common sense.


Personally, I don't like tattoos anywhere on anyone. As a former cop I had to know how to read them to determine street and prison gang affiliations and I find them vulgar.


Fifty years from now there's going to be a whole generation of aging women whose stripper tattoos have slipped down onto their saggy old asses. That will be attractive!


Now pardon me while I don my dress-outs and reach for the hose.

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I think Its the fact that its a stripper tatoo thats bothering you? If it was anything else than Id go with the second advice. You shoulden't allow your self to really blow off a person because of that.

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I think Its the fact that its a stripper tatoo thats bothering you? If it was anything else than Id go with the second advice. You shoulden't allow your self to really blow off a person because of that.

And why not? She got the tattoo for the impact it would have on people. That impact, for some, is "immediate turn-off." I'm sure she accepts that.

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I don't think tattooes can really tell you much about someone, and that in most cases it would be not wise to make assumpions about someone's set of morals and personality basing solely on whatever they chose to have-or have not- tattooed on whatever part of their body.


The only kind of tattooes I'd worry about are tattooes depicting swastikas or anything that is gang-related or featuring hate-writing.


Well, I'd also certainly be scared by a guy who, say, has tattooed on his private parts something along the line of "this fine tool belongs to [name of ex-girlfriend whom he has dated for three weeks]".


The problem is the fact that she has a "stripper's tattoo", or would you have the same very problem with any tattoo?


Would you regard it in the same way you'd regard something that you find ugly to look at, like a big birthmark, varicose veins, whatever imperfection that other people might not mind but that you'd personally find a turnoff?


Or is it the idea of someone wanting anything tattooed anywhere on their body that you are unconfortable with?

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Well than everyone has their differences. If you turn this woman off because of her tatoos. Its your loss of not getting to know someone who could be a very wonderful person. Psh everyone says things are turn offs. Than months later they go and do them!

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Would you regard it in the same way you'd regard something that you find ugly to look at, like a big birthmark, varicose veins, whatever imperfection that other people might not mind but that you'd personally find a turnoff?

The difference is that a tattoo is a choice, a birthmark is not. A tattoo is a statement, a birthmark is not.


(Note: I'm not saying there's anything wrong with tattoos, but if one person chooses to make a statement with their appearance, there's also nothing wrong with another choosing to think less of them for it. For example, I've worn a beard for almost 20 years now. It's my choice. I know some people don't like facial hair. That's their choice, and I accept it.)

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Pink Amulet

What exactly do you mean "stripper" tattoo? What is it of? Where is it? Does this some how imply she is a stripper? Haha I am lost.

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The difference is that a tattoo is a choice, a birthmark is not. A tattoo is a statement, a birthmark is not.


This is why I asked, I was not sure whether the OP doesn't like tattooes because he does not like the idea, or the fact that they are, as you said, statements (I really like how you put it :) ), or because he just finds them plain ugly.


I agree 100% with your post. :)

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Thanks for all your comments. I don't have a problem with tattoo's. Something small cute here or there. Its just the larger ones and the fact she wants another one just causes me concern is all. She says its in memory of her grandfather who liked yellow roses. She said she is sad because she can't really see it. But yet she want to put a horse tattoo on her back. I just cant figure it out. For the person who needs the definition of stripper tattoo- its slang for a tattoo on your lower back.

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The tattoos, usually some design, tribal or otherwise, just above the buttocks and spreading across the lower back are commonly known as "stripper tattoos" because many strippers and porn stars sport them. Like so many things the young come up with in every generation, they're a fad and will likely be a passing one someday. Unfortunately, these aren't something you can take off, dye away or grow out. What is certain is that as the women age, the tattoos will fade, sag and the designs will beging to blend together as the skin loses its elasticity due to normal aging.


Thankfully, most elderly women aren't given to low-rise jeans that not only expose their tattoos but their choice of colors in thongs as well.

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The tattoos, usually some design, tribal or otherwise, just above the buttocks and spreading across the lower back are commonly known as "stripper tattoos" because many strippers and porn stars sport them. Like so many things the young come up with in every generation, they're a fad and will likely be a passing one someday. Unfortunately, these aren't something you can take off, dye away or grow out. What is certain is that as the women age, the tattoos will fade, sag and the designs will beging to blend together as the skin loses its elasticity due to normal aging.


Thankfully, most elderly women aren't given to low-rise jeans that not only expose their tattoos but their choice of colors in thongs as well.

Tatoo or not C. women whos backs have sagged down onto their a**es , its gonna be gross , what does it matter if there is a tatoo there or not.

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I guess I'm not elderly, but I do tend to wear the low rise pants etc... they are comfortable especially since I am a small gal on my lower half.


As far as the tattoos go, most young folks have them.


I used to hate them - I wouldn't have one personally - but SOME of the ones you see are quite beautifully done.


My friend who lives in hawaii has one that looks like an ankelet - but is a yellow hibiscus going around her ankle. It's feminine and not too obtrusive...


Also, a man I met a few years back got one with his son for his 60th birthday (his son was also turning 40) they got matching arm bands with a variety of whale tails going around the bicep - it was amazing and I couldn't stop looking at how beautifully done it was.... the ink was magnificent.


Some are just for shock value though, and those I do not care for.

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Some people like tattoos, some people consider them body art and really get into them, and some people don't. Some people don't care either way or might appreciate some tattoos, but think others are ugly or are too big/freaky/frightening/unappealing/silly...just like with other types of art.


If your girl is into tattoos and you are not, you probably have other personality differences, too. Consider the person and your relationship as a whole to figure out whether you are truly compatible.

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Probably doesn't matter at all. By that age they should have the good sense to keep it covered! :)

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And I'll bet low-rise jeans look cute on you!


No, my dear, you're NOT elderly. Far from it!

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And I'll bet low-rise jeans look cute on you!


No, my dear, you're NOT elderly. Far from it!


who loves you baby? me, C=Lion.


PS - I am middle aged though...

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And I've gone past the middle which puts me on the downhill slide.


However, when you're on the downhill slide, you pick up speed! :D

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We call them "Tramp Stamps" here. It's only a joke, so if any girls have one don't take it personally.


I do not think if a girl has a tattoo on their lower backs are tramps, porn stars or strippers. They are girls with tattoos and you don't have to be any of the three to have one.

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We call them "Tramp Stamps" here

Thats what they are called here also.


I personally dont have any tatoos but I do have a birthmark on my face in which I cover up religously...

I won't get a tatoo simply because I don't want to mark up my body with them and I don't want to have regrets when I'm older if I should have them..


I've been pressured to get a tramp stamp and I wont.


To each his own. I have lots of friends who have them. I don't judge them for theirs and they don't pressure me to get any so all is good.

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I don't really think it means anything. I have a good friend who has a few tattoos on her lower back, and she's a very traditional, very sweet girl. Talking to her makes me feel like a bit of a tramp sometimes. Some people just want to get a tattoo in that area, and it doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to emulate strippers or porn stars.

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True. But such a bad name they have where ever your from apparently.


Oh honey - I live in California - and to be quite frank - we don't generally put a bad name or differentiate on much... odd things are the norm...


A tattoo is like someone drinking water here... almost odd if one doesn't have one (me).

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I hope it will pass because I really care about her.


What do you guys think?


Since you've asked, I think you sound judgmental.


What if she found out the meaning of the tattoo through you, and let it automatically bother her that you would be so keyed into the preferences of strippers?


And then she had to double-think her feelings for you?

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