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i just found out that I will get a piss test for my new job in two weekes for marajuana, and i smoked last night


what can i do???????????


is there something i can take to get a negative on the test???

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The reason employers give tests is to be sure new people are not on illegal drugs. You smoke marijuana and need to find an employer who doesn't mind if employees do that.


There is no chemical or other undetectable substance that you can take orally or add to your urine to pass the test. In other words, you are pretty much screwed on this one.


I think marijuana stays in the blood about a month or so. You could get real sick for two weeks or make up some other excuse and take the test later on if you can. I promise you, however, that you will get a test from time to time without notice and eventually fail anyway so you may as well pass this employer up.

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You do have a shot, a good one, in fact.


Go to a local bodybuilding nutrition store (where they sell protin powders, creatine, amino acids, etc.)


Do not go to (the national chain that begins with a "G"), as they suck. Go to a local, non-franchise store, and ask the help there what you should buy. There's lots of products on the market right now that will flush your system out completely within a week or so. Go TOMORROW, and follow the instructions EXACTLY. In the meantime, drink LOTS of water...I'm talking at least a gallon a day. This will almost undoubtedly work, I've seen it done many times before.

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It's pretty obvious that Paulie makes no judgement about drug users and, additionally, he gave the poster exactly the information that he asked for.


The poster doesn't want to be told off. He just wants to be able to mislead a prospective employer into believing he doesn't do illegal drugs when, in fact, he does. So what's wrong with lying to get a job, uh?


You'd be surprised at the number of doctors and lawyers who show up at their offices every day after smoking a little wacky tobaccy with breakfast. Now won't that make you feel real good if you go in for open heart surgery?

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You know - you're right, I WOULD be surprised to hear about the number of doctors and lawyers who are showing up to work stoned. That's quite a statement to make w/o being able to back it up. Site your source, Tony. Don't tell me you 'have friends in the industry' who have told you that. I've been working in one of the most prestigious legal markets for over 5 years, I run with the crowd that does smoke a lot of pot and I have never heard ANY story about any attorney not being sober on the job.


I've read a lot of what you have to say on this board. As it pertains to relationships I think you give pretty sound (if not harsh) advice. However, when you start spouting off about the indignities of "drug use", I think you're way out of line. For all you know the poster was at a party and smoked pot for the first time in his life. He may be the first to tell you that that was a mistake. I think you cross the line by making him 'unworthy' of this employer simply b/c he smoked a joint.

It's pretty obvious that Paulie makes no judgement about drug users and, additionally, he gave the poster exactly the information that he asked for. The poster doesn't want to be told off. He just wants to be able to mislead a prospective employer into believing he doesn't do illegal drugs when, in fact, he does. So what's wrong with lying to get a job, uh? You'd be surprised at the number of doctors and lawyers who show up at their offices every day after smoking a little wacky tobaccy with breakfast. Now won't that make you feel real good if you go in for open heart surgery?
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Having been a police reporter for the Tampa Tribune in Tampa, Florida and the Philadelphia Bulletin (now defunct) in Philadelphia, Pa., I was aware of many attorneys and doctors (as well as other professionals) being arrested for possession and use of illegal drugs. Further, I know that many doctors were indicted or otherwise handled, for writing prescriptions for unnecessary narcotics.


Beyond that, I am aware that many hospital nurses are in special programs because they were caught taking narcotics from patients and storage facilities.


I do not have statistics and I do not have sources other than my own personal knowledge. I did not make a statement that required a source. I merely said you would be surprised at the number...that does not require a source. And I think you would be surprised. If you want names of doctors and attorneys who have been found guilty of possession and use of cannabis, email me at <e-mail address removed>. I have access to public records in my community of Tampa and surrounding areas. I cannot help you nationwide.


YOU WRITE: "I think you cross the line by making him 'unworthy' of this employer simply b/c he smoked a joint."


I didn't cross any line and I did not make the statement you attribute to me. It is FRAUD to induce a person to take an action based in misleading information. Inducing a company with a drug-free policy to hire you when you are a user of marijuana or any other drug is FRAUD. I don't think pot smokers are unworthy, and you quoted me there but I did not use that word at all, but I don't think pot smokers ought to try to fake out employers by doing things to wash drugs out of their system prior to a drug test.


I am terribly sorry if my ethics and morals are different from yours. That's OK. That's what makes us a great nation. But I prefer to be honest and up front with people because surely things will backfire on me sooner or later.


Please read my posts more carefully in order to get the intended meaning and the full flavor bouquet.


Happy Holidays.

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However, when you start spouting off about the

indignities of "drug use", I think you're way out of line.

Actually Stan, since the original poster never stated what type of job he was applying to, I don't think you should jump to conclusions and assume that his drug use would not cause any harm or affect anyone at his place of employment. There is a possibility that it might. Also, he didn't say whether he was a first-time drug user or whether he smokes up on a regular basis. Therefore, you also cannot assume that he'll never smoke again, because it is possible he might.


If he's trying to get the marijuana out of his system so that the test won't detect it, that sounds pretty deceiving and dishonest to me. Don't you? I can't agree more with what Tony wrote.

I think you cross the line by making him 'unworthy' of this employer simply b/c he smoked a joint.

Rather, I think you are the one out of line for blowing off a potentially serious situation and assuming that people shouldn't find anything wrong with someone who tries to fool a potential employer by hiding his drug use.


If I'm in the hospital being taken care of by a doctor or nurse, you better believe I wouldn't let that person come near me while he or she is under the influence of drugs. And I could care less whether it was the "first time" he was using drugs and he realized his mistake, or whether he used it every day. It simply wouldn't matter to me.


In Washington, DC about a year ago, a doctor on drugs was accused of stealing a portion of the drug he was supposed to be administering to his patients. Because of him, over 50 patient were injected with MUCH less amounts of painkiller than needed. Hearing them describe the pain they felt during their surgical procedure was pretty sickening.


I've met many scientists and med.tech's in medical research labs (since I'm studying in the whole biotech fields). I've heard about how an employee came into work and caused a considerable setback and a great amount of damage to an experiment because they were under the influence of drugs. And at a hospital I worked at, a med.tech. high on weed screwed up in his detection of a disease from a patient's blood sample, which could have been potentially life-threatening if the mistake hadn't been caught by another employee.


Therefore, most pre-employment drug tests are enforced because of the threat of drug users to the safety of the workplace, to employees, and to society in general.


While you may think I'm making a big deal about something so "simple as smoking a joint", I just hope you understand why some people's opinions may sound so harsh when they don't coincide with your own. It does not mean that they are out of line.

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I don't know statistics either, but from personal experience over the years, as someone who works in the medical profession, I know of one Obstetrician (the only one in our town at the time) who was known for showing up to deliver a baby, drunk..and the nurses would end up having to do the delivery.


I also know of another well known doctor in that town who was a major cokehead.....he had daughters my age, and they'd often have huge parties......he was right there amongst all us kids, and there were drugs galore going on there. Now whether he ever showed up at work stoned, I couldn't say.....but who knows?


I also once worked with a nurse who was stealing narcotics from work. She'd apparently been injecting her patient's morphine and such, beneath her toenails (and I guess giving them injections of saline, in order to keep the 'narcotic count' correct)...because this would not leave 'evidence' of her abusing (needle tracks, etc). This was a woman in her early 40's and she was obviously doing this ON the job. Apparently other staff would start noticing her nodding off on meal breaks, right at the staff room table...took a while for people to add things up. So yeah, she was high on the job (damn scary).


I think that drug use amongst the following professionals is quite high:


-those in very high stress jobs


-those who work in professions where they have access to controlled substances (docs, nurses, etc)


I think if a person looked hard enough, they'd be able to find statistics on drug/alcohol abuse 'on the job' by some of these professionals......but I bet with lots of things, it's often unreported, or things are kept 'hush hush' to protect the person's reputation/the reputation of their employer.


Just my 2 cents



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Dear Peeman... Drink a lot of Water ....7 days after you have smoked, half of the thc in your system is gone....7 days after that half of that is gone.....In 21 days all of thc is gone...even if you are a heavy smoker...If you are a light smoker it will be gone before that......

i just found out that I will get a piss test for my new job in two weekes for marajuana, and i smoked last night what can i do??????????? is there something i can take to get a negative on the test???
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