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I have been dating this girl off and on. She has lyed and cheated her way around for the entire time while dating. I have lost all trust in her. The only problem is that I love being around her and just about everything else about her. I just can't trust her, is there any possible way to work around a situation like this or should I give up fearing no solution in sight? Please help, I'm going nuts!!

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YOU ASK: "is there any possible way to work around a situation like this or should I give up fearing no solution in sight?"


You could train her like they do circus animals. Give her a sweet treat when she tells the truth and kick her in the butt when she lies.


Or you could just get her out of your life.


Or since you know she lies and can't be trusted but is lots of fun, have fun with her but just don't pay attention to what she says.


In any case, don't make this woman a permanent part of your life. It's very sad that someone who is so much fun is such a sleeze. But a human is pretty worthless when they can't be trusted. There is no basis for any kind of relationship whatsoever.


If you're close to her, you could suggest she get some therapy. Let her know she's lots of fun and how much greater of a lady she would be if people could believe what she says. Or you could point out to her each time she lies. You then risk her disliking you and moving on to someone who will believe her BS.


I had a lady friend just like that one time. She was lots of fun, too. But after a while, the lies and behind the back stuff just got to be too much.


One day you'll tire of her character no matter how much fun she is.

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It's been going on for about six months and I am getting very tired of it, she says she loves me and willing to do anything to keep me. Still I don't know if she is really trying or finding better ways to cover up. Thanks Tony, you have been there for a lot of problems. I just hope there's a sign or I get some bigger cojones to kick her to the curb. Once again Thanks.

YOU ASK: "is there any possible way to work around a situation like this or should I give up fearing no solution in sight?"


You could train her like they do circus animals. Give her a sweet treat when she tells the truth and kick her in the butt when she lies. Or you could just get her out of your life.


Or since you know she lies and can't be trusted but is lots of fun, have fun with her but just don't pay attention to what she says. In any case, don't make this woman a permanent part of your life. It's very sad that someone who is so much fun is such a sleeze. But a human is pretty worthless when they can't be trusted. There is no basis for any kind of relationship whatsoever. If you're close to her, you could suggest she get some therapy. Let her know she's lots of fun and how much greater of a lady she would be if people could believe what she says. Or you could point out to her each time she lies. You then risk her disliking you and moving on to someone who will believe her BS. I had a lady friend just like that one time. She was lots of fun, too. But after a while, the lies and behind the back stuff just got to be too much. One day you'll tire of her character no matter how much fun she is.

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