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Business Cards

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I've got this new idea for meeting up with the ladies. When I talk to one, and decide I would like to get to know her, I will give out a card with my name, number, and email adress on it. If she doesn't want to see or hear from me ever again, she can just throw the card out. This also takes the pressure off of me because I do not have to ask for a phone number. Is this a good idea, or am I a nut?

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Many ladies don't give out their numbers so in a way your idea is good. On the other hand, no lady will feel very special if you hand them a printed card like that. They will wonder just how many cards you have passed out.


Waitresses and other females who work in public places get dozens of men's business cards on a daily basis and they seldom if ever call them.


If you want a lady to call you, talk with her a while...then write your first name and phone number on a napkin...or reach into your wallet or pocket for a piece of scrap paper. If you've impressed the lady, you're far more likely to get a call than if you just hand her a printed card.

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I'm with Tony on this one... I don't give my details out so it's up to the guy if he wants to give me his. I like your idea in theory (it's simple, no messing about with pens or paper) but because it's not a business card as such, I would definitely wonder how often you give these out to ladies.


In an ever increasing impersonal world, getting personal counts. Something simple as jotting down your details there and then will make a bigger impression and more likely to get a response than handing the same details out on a card.

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A business card is a little too generic. I'd agree with the scrap of paper or napkin. But personally, I only give my number to guys I'm interested in and were talking to for a while. If I'm not interested, I'll ask for their number and tell that that I don't give out my number - to me it's an easy out. I know it's not true for all ladies, but I'm old fashioned in the sense that I feel the guy should call. I'd never in a million years call a guy that gave me his number, even if I was totally interested in him.

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