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Long Distance & vicious words


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I was in a relationship for 2 years with a guy from England. 1 of which has been long distance (he had to move back to the UK).


We hadn't been getting along very well and even broke up 2 months ago. He emailed me Friday and said he wanted to speak to me on Sunday (late morning), because he was going to be in the US on business. I agreed. Not only did he end up blowing me off, but had the nerve to call me at midnight on what would have been our 2 year anniversary. I spoke to him for a bit and we were cruel to each other. I'm very surprised at how vicious we were. He really hurt me and tried to turn it around and make it my fault for why he blew me off that day.


If someone really loved you, wouldn't they never ever hurt you and wouldn't they want to be there for you and would do anything not to lose you? Can people who speak so viciously to each other not really be in love or love each other? This guy doesn't seem to care that he's losing me. It's like a game to him. We had shared something so wonderful at one time, and I'm still shocked at how much we now dislike each other.

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This relationship, as it once was, is over. It is hard enough sometimes to make relationships work with people in your own town, much less with someone living far away.


I don't think either of you really hate the other or want anything bad to happen to each other. My guess is that the viciousness is more a result of your frustration with the cicumstances.


Electronic communication (telephone, computer, etc.) is a marvel of modem society and can bring people closer together. However, it is not and will never be a replacement for real live, face to face interaction on a regular basis.


Unless there is a reasonable chance that you two will be living near each other again sometime soon, I would call this one quits. It was real. It was fun. It was real fun, but it is unlikely it will survive the distance for such extended periods of time.

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