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How does a shy guy get a girl?

a shy guy

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I'm shy around people especially girls. I've seen a lot of pretty girls, but I'm too shy and nervous to go and talk to them. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem and what did you do? When a really pretty girl talks to me I start blushing and I get all embarassed. How do I overcome my shyness around people especially girls? Any tips or advice you can offer me?

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Shyness usually isn't about other people, it's about oneself. You might want to think about what makes you feel insecure about yourself. I don't know how old you are, but sometimes you have to work through these phases. When I was in high school I didn't feel particularly self-confident in who and what I was. It took me a little time of just setting goals for myself and achieving them. It's all about building up your worth as you see it. It took me some time, and it may take you a little while as well. Now I'm 19 and I feel very good about myself. One of the great side effects is that people think a lot higher of me as well. So the best I can say is work on making you and your life reach to your potential. Then you won't be stumbling over yourself, just the women throwing themselves at you. :c)

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Thanks a lot for the advice. I'm going into my second year of high school. I setting a goal for myself this year to get a girlfriend or at least try to get one. I'm also going to be more open to people. How does these goals sound to you?

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That's a start...but you might want to turn your focus more towards self-improvement goals before involving other people. Don't feel rushed into having a relationship, you'll cause yourself more pain that way. Open up to yourself for now. Then worry about the rest of the world.

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