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I've gained weight and he is not attracted to me anymore

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my wife of 7.5 years is gone--seperated. she too gained up a bunch of weight. at 5'2", she weighed much more than 210lbs. and because of this, she was diabetic, high blood pressure, heart meds--and less than 50 yr old. other than her physical problems, her weight limited what she could do "play wise". ---bicycling, canoeing, swimming, ect...my spouse could not be my buddy and best friend as i wanted. i still loved her, but there was (is) no physical attraction. she thought that getting fake nails, wearing gobs of makup and spending big bucks on hair and clothes would all make her beautiful. but the reality is--some men like fat women, some men like trim women, and some men like other men! it's the way you are made inside and not merely a preference or choice. I can no more find a fat women attractive than i can another man. i did the required marital sex thing with her about once ever 6 weeks--that's all i wanted! i now have a 'friend' and i've found that having sex 6 times in a day can be done and enjoyed! and i thought sex was over for me. so...if you're overweight, your spouse may still love you but may just not be attracted to you. my almost "X", run away wife chose to blame me for not being attentive and "making weight an issue", rather than to lose the weight that caused the problem.

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