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what should I do?


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I have been fighting with my boyfriend about something that I think that he did. When I first started going out with him, he told me that he had been cheated on many times from his ex-girlfriends, so from that day on, I made an oath to tell him everything, and I did. Well, I haven't seen him for 2 weeks because of a family issue, and everytime I go over, he is always leaving and every time that I call he tells me to call him back. I also saw that there were 4 condoms missing from our box, all my pictures were taken off of his wall and hid away, and all of my clothes and underwear were all covered up under his clothes. I ask him about all of this and all I get is, I don't know where the condoms went, I didn't want my little boy to rip your pictures off the wall. And on top of it the whole time I was gone, he was partying with a bunch of girls, what should I do??

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I have been fighting with my boyfriend about something that I think that he did. When I first started going out with him, he told me that he had been cheated on many times from his ex-girlfriends, so from that day on, I made an oath to tell him everything, and I did. Well, I haven't seen him for 2 weeks because of a family issue, and everytime I go over, he is always leaving and every time that I call he tells me to call him back. I also saw that there were 4 condoms missing from our box, all my pictures were taken off of his wall and hid away, and all of my clothes and underwear were all covered up under his clothes. I ask him about all of this and all I get is, I don't know where the condoms went, I didn't want my little boy to rip your pictures off the wall. And on top of it the whole time I was gone, he was partying with a bunch of girls, what should I do??

The signs are clear...


Unless you are imagining things, it is quite obvious that he has been sleeping with someone else. It also sounds that he doesn't value you are the relationship enough to discuss the issues (condoms) you brought up. He also seems to be too "busy" to speak or see you.


If I were you I would walk away and never look back. Granted, I know that is easier said than done, but at least I would try to leave and heal. Once I heal I would find someone who respects and values me.

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I think you should sit down and talk about his activities while you were gone. Sit down and talk calmly, mind you, do not come out and accuse him of anything because for all you know, those girls he was partying with could have borrowed he condoms for their own purposes. Also, he could be telling the truth about your clothes and pictures. I would want to try and hide clothes if there was clutter and I knew I would be having company. The only thing that does bother me is that you say he was out partying with these girls while you were gone.


I would sit down and talk to him about it calmly. Don't accuse him of anything if you have no real proof that he's done it. As his girlfriend you do have the right to ask about his activities with these women while you were gone but don't take it too far. You could also use the fact that he's been cheated on in the past to appeal to him and get him to talk to you.


If he's not returning your calls then maybe seeing him in person would be the best thing to do. He may not be returning your calls because he wants to avoid fighting with you on the phone or altogether. Nobody likes to fight and nobody likes to have to answer the same question over and over again if the person asking it doesn't believe them.


Try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he feels shut out or distant from you because you've been gone some time and you two maybe haven't had a chance to be alone and talk?



I have been fighting with my boyfriend about something that I think that he did. When I first started going out with him, he told me that he had been cheated on many times from his ex-girlfriends, so from that day on, I made an oath to tell him everything, and I did. Well, I haven't seen him for 2 weeks because of a family issue, and everytime I go over, he is always leaving and every time that I call he tells me to call him back. I also saw that there were 4 condoms missing from our box, all my pictures were taken off of his wall and hid away, and all of my clothes and underwear were all covered up under his clothes. I ask him about all of this and all I get is, I don't know where the condoms went, I didn't want my little boy to rip your pictures off the wall. And on top of it the whole time I was gone, he was partying with a bunch of girls, what should I do??
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what should you do? you should not continue to hit the snooze button because the alarm is ringing for a reason. a guy doesn't remove his girlfriend's pictures, hide her undergarments and have missing condoms unless he's sleeping with someone else, plain and simple. since when can a small child reach pictures on a wall and rip them off? if the kid did that then why did he put them up in the first place? he's feeding you a line of horse manure. don't waste your time getting a shovel, just get out of the barn.

I have been fighting with my boyfriend about something that I think that he did. When I first started going out with him, he told me that he had been cheated on many times from his ex-girlfriends, so from that day on, I made an oath to tell him everything, and I did. Well, I haven't seen him for 2 weeks because of a family issue, and everytime I go over, he is always leaving and every time that I call he tells me to call him back. I also saw that there were 4 condoms missing from our box, all my pictures were taken off of his wall and hid away, and all of my clothes and underwear were all covered up under his clothes. I ask him about all of this and all I get is, I don't know where the condoms went, I didn't want my little boy to rip your pictures off the wall. And on top of it the whole time I was gone, he was partying with a bunch of girls, what should I do??
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give him the benefit of a doubt? are you for real? he hid her panties under his clothes to get rid of clutter? he lent 4 of their condoms to girls he was partying with? is this how they do things on the planet you come from? when the signs are right there in your face that someone is cheating on you, you don't give them the benefit of a doubt and you don't waste your time by sitting down and talking to them. all they'll do is lie to you and disrespect you more. cheaters aren't worth 5 minutes. she already asked him about these things and he gave her some bullcrap explanation. why should she keep asking him? the truth is already there. she needs to get packing.

I think you should sit down and talk about his activities while you were gone. Sit down and talk calmly, mind you, do not come out and accuse him of anything because for all you know, those girls he was partying with could have borrowed he condoms for their own purposes. Also, he could be telling the truth about your clothes and pictures. I would want to try and hide clothes if there was clutter and I knew I would be having company. The only thing that does bother me is that you say he was out partying with these girls while you were gone. I would sit down and talk to him about it calmly. Don't accuse him of anything if you have no real proof that he's done it. As his girlfriend you do have the right to ask about his activities with these women while you were gone but don't take it too far. You could also use the fact that he's been cheated on in the past to appeal to him and get him to talk to you. If he's not returning your calls then maybe seeing him in person would be the best thing to do. He may not be returning your calls because he wants to avoid fighting with you on the phone or altogether. Nobody likes to fight and nobody likes to have to answer the same question over and over again if the person asking it doesn't believe them. Try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he feels shut out or distant from you because you've been gone some time and you two maybe haven't had a chance to be alone and talk? Marz
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