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Can anyone help me?? PLEASE!!

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Here's a followup on the situation that I have posted previously...


This girl and I have parted ways. I still don't know how to tell her how I feel.... Like I just got run over by a Mack Truck is how.. especially when I see her with this other guy she left me for.


We are still friends, but I can't stand seeing her with this other guy.. and stupid me finds out that I'm in love with her after she decides that her ex-boyfriend is worth waiting for... (This other guy she doesn't have any feelings for that's why she left me for him...)


Knowing that she cares for me too much to be with me while waiting for an ex just makes things harder!! I want to be with her and just can't bring myself to tell her!


I see her almost every day ... and end up in tears minutes after we part company. (There is no way of avoiding contact) Please can someone share in some past experiences that might be of some help...






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Dear Mike,

Let it be. I think you have thought a lot about how to settle the problems including a frank talk which usually regarded as a most effective way. I am a young woman myself, to be honest, I would not like a man who come over and over again with his cliche about love if I do have decided to turn him down, But I would prefer it if he leave me alone for a period of time after he told me that his emotion towards me is really true. Let the time tell you and her about the truth. Let the time to cure you -- Mike, why not go out to travel? To somewhere different -- for example, China! Give her a space and time to miss you, then maybe all will come back to you.

Or if it is impossible for you to travel at present, you'd better free your heart, spend some time with your friends, family, even date with someone else, if she feel lost, she is still your girl, if she feel easy, it is better to kiss her goodbye. Cherish yourself and your ture emotion towards some other, don't let this sad story torture your whole life and miss the oppertunity to meet your future beloved.


Good Luck!

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