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a question for parents


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I don't have children yet, but plan to soon after my fiancee and I get married.


Right now I am in college and am known for sleeping VERY heavily. Sometimes sleeping through three different alarm times I have set on my phone. For some reason, I need a lot of sleep, and if I don't get it my body just stays asleep its very hard for me to be woken up. This worries me when it comes to having newborns who wake up frequently and need attention, and I have a fear that even with a baby moniter turned up high, or even with a baby in the room that I will sleep through its cries.


I was wondering if anyone else here is a very heavy sleeper going through this, or if you have gone through it, and what your solution was.



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Your sleep patterns change once you have children. It's pretty weird. But then suddenly having milk shoot out of one of your body parts is weird, too. And you do develop Mom ears.


But so does your spouse. If I was completely zonked, my H would hear and go get Baby for me to nurse.


Honestly, this is one of the least of your worries.

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After having a baby your mother's instinct kicks in and you will hear your child trust me . I use to love sleeping in but that all changed once i had my daughter. You will be very protective where your child is concerned and you will wake up. If anything it will be hard for you to sleep for fear you won't .

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You will become a totally different being when you become a mother! Newborn babies don't simply cry - they WAIL!!! Trust me - your baby will wake you up if you're not up already up leaning over it checking to make sure it's breathing!


There is no such thing as a new mother having comatose sleep - babies won't allow it!

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