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@ the end, will you be alone or coupled?

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In your vision of your future do you live your final years alone or not?


I've had GF's and enjoyed them. I've also enjoyed being alone.

I'm naturally a loner and think I will enjoy solitude in my final years.

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and after divorce following 25 years of marriage I revelled in the peace, quiet, privacy and solitude of living alone and neither having nor pursuing a social life.


After two years it got a bit old and the solitude started feeling a bit like isolation. I asked out a good friend and we've now been married over nine years.


My vision is decidedly to spend the rest of my life with my wife who is still my best friend.

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I don't like to think that far ahead in life as it tends to freak me out. I DO see myself with my husband ofcourse, but my fear is something happening to him and we're old...Then I'm alone. Old and alone.

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I always had pictured myself coupled but the older I get the more I realize that I don't belong in a relationship. I'm not really capable of being in one, my ex even told me so. :laugh: I'm not really a loner because I need to be around people and I love my friends, I just can't be part of a couple.

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Well, I'll get old (already have a good start on that) and one day I may end up alone but with five children, three grandchildren and another on the way (see what i mean about a good start?), I doubt that I'll ever truly be lonely.


Of course, it wouldn't be the same without my wife and I'd never remarry.

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This has always been my biggest fear.. Dying Alone..


I would like to think I won't be alone but the older I get the real possiblitiy for that gets closer

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Ok, I like that cohousing thing. Sounds cool! Atleast there are places to go so one won't be alone later in life...If I don't end up having kids, cohouse R'US. lmao!

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I'm an expat, so I'm very isolated from 99% of the people around me. But those people are around me. A small group of expat French, and an English couple are my closest friends.


A local woman is my sex partner but not more than a friend.


Most of my helpers live on site. Hard to explain they work for me but also relax around me. Part of each others lives somehow.


It might be more a dream but I think I'll end up with someone special from back home.

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I will be alone, except for a dog. I will always have a dog. I think my husband will die years before me. I will not re-marry. I will be one of those old ladies with great stories no one wants to hear. Only my dog at my feet as I pass away. I will be perfectly happy to die. I will see my sister who I miss dearly, and by that time, probably my Tony. I, unlike others look forward to being an old woman looking back on my life.

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