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situation with my ex

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Francesco Marzano

Hi everyone, I need help understanding the situation with my ex. We broke up almost 2 months ago, the motivation is that after a serious quarrel with my father I closed a lot and wrongly put it aside. I really regret this and I am also going to the psychologist to open up more and improve my behaviors that I don't like. In these two months I went to her once (since we live in two different cities) to bring her a letter in which I put all of myself and I was as sincere as possible with her, but I never received a reply. I recently sent her a bouquet of roses home, to show her that I think despite everything, but without any kind of dedication or anything, only with her name. After the roses arrived, she started posting stories about instagram with phrases about love, but I can't understand if they are directed at me or not. In the last few days I started to follow a fake account of a girl on instagram, being intrigued I started to see everything. I discovered that it was a recently created account and that the first post dates back to the same day I sent her roses, that there was a photo with a song by my favorite rapper (which may have very little meaning I know). But more important for me I notice that the profile picture was much better than the others on the account, especially for the quality. Which intrigues me even more, looking at the known photo that has typical details of a place frequented by her too, so I start looking on the club website and I can find the photo in the album of the event that took place on the same day of my birthday. Which may be a coincidence, but to get there I had to look first at 3 more pages made from 6 albums each. I can't understand if she is actually behind this account, linking all these "evidence", I don't even find the sense. Or I'm just making unnecessary paranoia and it's just coincidences.I don't know if she's doing all this to get written about, since she told me she wanted me to make the first move and she liked that kind of thing.


I would be grateful to receive your opinion.

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2 hours ago, Francesco Marzano said:

 I closed a lot and wrongly put it aside. I really regret this and I am also going to the psychologist to open up more and improve my behaviors

It takes more than 2 months of therapy to understand and change a behavior. 

That therapy has not started to take effect on you as you're obsessing over your ex, spying her social, trying to read something out of nothing.

You have to stop doing that and concentrate on yourself and on understanding your behavior.

Breakups are hard for everyone, not just you. If you would get back with her right now it would not work. 

My advise is to delete her from all your social. Concentrate on yourself, fix your issues with family and who knows maybe down the road in a year or 2 you will reconnect with her and you'll be a different man, better equipped for a relationship.

Sorry it's not the answer you wanted to hear.

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