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More on Just being Friends

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Well, Many thanx to all those who gave their advice. I have read your responses and felel that they are sound and good advice. I went out yesterday with this guy...just a friendly shopping trip and no mention of our feelings(or lack of). I also had a conversation with his mom. We have gotten to be good friends and I think she would like to see us get back together. What i'd like to know is: How can i keep that friendship from interfering with whats going on between he and i? I want to give him a chance. but how can i make sure it's his decision and not his mothers?


Thanx again for all your help. Let me know what you think.

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YOU ASK: "how can i make sure it's his decision and not his mothers?"


If you think he's so much of a mamas boy, a wimp and so easily influenced in such critical matters, why would you want him for any more than a friend?


There's nothing you can do to influence another's decision. Sorry. Just conduct yourself normally, keep his mama separate from your interaction with him, and let nature take its course.


There is no need for your friendship with his mother to interfere with anything. However, I'm wondering if somewhere deep inside of you you aren't sort of hoping it will have an effect.

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