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Hi, I need some advice... My bf and I have been together for 2 years. Everything was wonderful, he is a loving and sweet boy. One day he told me that he wanted to confess something to me, namely that his girlfriend with whom he talks quite often on Instagram, but I didn't give her that much importance, was his girlfriend with benefits in the past. The girl would have fallen in love with him and broken things off, but they only talk occasionally and it's not a big deal for him. Everything seemed quite strange to me, I told him that it doesn't seem normal for him to talk to her anymore, especially since she had feelings for him. In the end, he convinced me that it wasn't a big deal and they still talked occasionally.... Out of curiosity, one evening I accessed his laptop and read the conversations he had with her and I came across some messages that were not normal for a boy who is in a relationship, such as "I'll check you again, you know I'm interested in you...". We had a major argument on this topic and he blocked the girl....well then he started viewing facebook profiles of random girls, reacting to pictures of girl , told me eh i like the friend picture to keep their confidence up....we also had an argument on the topic this, explaining that it bothers me and why it bothers me. He said he doesn't do it anymore... The problem now is that I still want to check if he's still doing this kind of nonsense, I'm passive aggressive in jokes "hahah you like that girl", and I feel horrible because I don't want to have problems with jealousy and everything started with that girl. I had all the trust in him, I saw that he had changed, but now I can't go back to normal and I feel like a little detective. I don't want this anymore. How can I get over it?

PS I talked about my feelings with him but I don't feel completely reconciled. He talks about a future together, he's cute and I feel guilty that I became so jealous

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5 hours ago, vevevev said:

me eh i like the friend picture to keep their confidence up....

It's time to dump that boy and go find yourself *a man*. This guy is a joke and a waste of your time and feelings.

He should care about 1 person's confidence and it's yours!!! He's want to build these other women's confidence by destroying yours.

You need more than *cute* in a man, you need loyalty and this one does not know what loyalty is. He's throwing send in your eyes when he mentions the future. He just wants to shut you up.

This guy is not relationship material.

Edited by Gaeta
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He's interested in someone else, and let that girl know. CHEATER. Get rid of him and all your headaches will be gone.

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Ugh this guy has an excuse for everything. Your reaction to it all is totally valid....and he doesn't care. He's a shady dirty dog. He's diverting, manipulating you. I don't give a flimflam if he's so cute ....he's still a rat bastard doing things behind your back. Gross. Send him to the curb. 

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