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People who died


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Quite a few people died in the last few years.  When you're in your teens / early 20s there will be a few here and there - drug overdose, car accidents, freaky disease, etc.   I am almost 50 and I am the baby of my friend group.  So sad...  People are dying of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, etc. The sins of our youth are catching up with us.  Two suicides - one left behind 3 kids.

I was having one of those moments when I was thinking "I should give (name) a call because we haven't talked in so long".  And then you remember "Oh right, (name) isn't here anymore, he/she is dead."  You don't really get over things, you just miss that person not being there... And they're not coming back....

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Im not overly keen on replying to your threads however I will admit you do submit topics that I relate to,

the way I look on this topic is perhaps it will be a pity if we pass on without doing or attempting to do what is closest to our hearts,

the people that died- did they do something meaningful along their journey?

we should try to have some fun and adventure along the way- not be held back by fear or as you imply- there will be the day when we cannot get there anymore.

time passes by and we are still dreaming about achieving something instead of living the moment.

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19 hours ago, mortensorchid said:

.  People are dying of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, etc. The sins of our youth are catching up with us.  

Sorry this is happening. However "sins of our youth" may be something to rethink because all people die eventually and it's not punishment for anything. Try to remember them fondly and honor their lives.  

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I don't know which is harder. Losing a love one suddenly or watching them deteriorate. I'm in the latter group. Thanks for sharing.

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