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currently, I am going though a breakup. She broke up with me because she was not feeling well, due to some events which happened in her life. Secondly, she said that I was too possessive and too dependent on her. In our relationship she had a hard time talking about her feelings and trying to express herself, which was for me sometimes hard, because I am the opposite. We study together at the same university and last week, she told me she felt followed by me. At that moment I cut off all our contact. We blocked each other everywhere and I ignore her now, while she still says hello to me sometimes in the university. I am having a really hard time to process this and not to send her something or not to say anything to her. How should I interpret these hello’s and how can I deal with the fact that I have to let her go and have to accept that we will never be together anymore? 

Edited by Brokenupsinceamonth
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17 minutes ago, Brokenupsinceamonth said:

We blocked each other everywhere and I ignore her now, while she still says hello to me sometimes in the university.

Sorry this happened. You did the right thing ending it, avoiding her and blocking her on everything. Even though it hurts for now, try to be polite since you run into each other at university, but try not to interpret it as anything. Reflect if this is just her or if there is any validity to the complaint about feeling smothered.


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Concentrate on yourself now and your growth, put the energy you would have put into the relationship and put it towards yourself now.  Feelings are hard, but they are only feelings, you'll be fine if you keep moving forward towards better, for YOU specifically now.

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Thank you for your responses. @Wiseman2 it could have been that I followed her for 1 day, but not with the intention to follow her. I have a past, which she knows, and that is also a reason why she was scared. I would like to apologize to her that I gave her that feeling, because it is one of the things I do not want, because I still care about her. However, we won’t see each other anymore in two weeks, because we are both going to our home country. I don’t know if I should do this or not within the two weeks or later.


@OurLoveTurnsToRust, thank you for your message. Choosing for myself is something which is hard for me, however, I am on track to change this. 

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So you did follow her.

Why exactly? And what scares her about your past?

Do you have a history of stalking women?

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