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What do you guys think of This first date ?

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Sarah belle

So I went on this first date with this guy. We started off at a restaurant we talked laughed there were some awkward pauses yet we kept talking. Then he suggested we get dessert so we left and did that. Afterwards we just sat and talked. We talked about past experiences. He also kept making future date suggestions etc. He kept telling me “you look seem like the type to turn down guys”. “Do you have a lot of options”  I told him I didn’t like desperate guys and he asked me “am I desperate”. Anyways the date ended we hugged bye and he said “if I text you are you going to text me back”? I responded saying “yes”. He ended texting me telling me that it was nice meeting me I responded and told him the same thing. Then he started asking me “ was I what you expected”,?  “ did I shock you” ? I responded to him pretty much reassuring him that he was nice etc. He ended up stoped responding after asking me that, and he hasn’t reached out since. Yet he is the first viewer every time I post a story on my social media ? 

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Ignore his views on your stories.  Asking so many questioins about what you thought of him would have given me the impression he's fishing to see how attractive he is to girls in general, is the vibe I get.  If he's not asking to see you again keep talking to other guys because his interest seems low.

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Not sure why he is throwing in so many complications.

Either he's insecure or full of equine manure.

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3 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

. Then he started asking me “ was I what you expected”,?  “ did I shock you” ?  he hasn’t reached out since. 

Do you feel his line of questioning is creepy?  He seems somewhat insecure or a bit burned out. Step back and reflect if it's worth a second date.

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Sounds like you dodged a bullet.  Why do still you allow him to view your socials?  

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Sarah belle
2 hours ago, basil67 said:

Sounds like you dodged a bullet.  Why do still you allow him to view your socials?  

What do you think happened ?

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Are you asking why he didn't keep contacting you?   Haven't got a clue, but he sounds weird anyway and not worth wasting brain space on

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7 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

 he hasn’t reached out since. 

How long ago was the date and has he suggested another date?

Keep in mind that unfortunately one and done first meetings are very common. Also keep in mind that you're both still talking to and meeting others.

The most important thing to reflect on is if you liked him or not. If you thought he was weird or there was no chemistry, delete and block him from your social media.

If things were awkward or disappointing, it's better to free yourself and cut your losses.

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Sarah belle
3 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

How long ago was the date and has he suggested another date?

Keep in mind that unfortunately one and done first meetings are very common. Also keep in mind that you're both still talking to and meeting others.

The most important thing to reflect on is if you liked him or not. If you thought he was weird or there was no chemistry, delete and block him from your social media.

If things were awkward or disappointing, it's better to free yourself and cut your losses.

We went to two places on the date. He texted me after the date asking what I thought of him and that was it. 

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3 minutes ago, Sarah belle said:

. He texted me after the date asking what I thought of him and that was it. 

Did you reply? Are you interested in him? 

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He sounds very insecure. I don't think it was the greatest date in the world. It sounds like going forward with him would be a lot of work. You'd have to keep reassuring him he was good enough, and he ultimately wouldn't believe you. Then he'd probably dump you, saying you deserved better. 

Edited by Acacia98
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Sarah belle
4 minutes ago, Acacia98 said:

He sounds very insecure. I don't think it was the greatest date in the world. It sounds like going forward with him would be a lot of work. You'd have to keep reassuring him he was good enough, and he ultimately wouldn't believe you. Then he'd probably dump you, saying you deserved better. 

Yeah it wasn’t the best it was okay.. it’s just some of the things he was saying to me on the date that make me question things. I have a lot of dating experience I’ve never had a guy ask me the things he’s asked me. he told me that he doesn’t “ghost women”. That he likes to give them closure if the date doesn’t go “well”. He also was making assumptions about me saying 

“I can tell when you go out that you dance with loads of guys” 

he also drunk some of his water and asked me if I wanted some of it ??  Which was different.


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He thinks you're out of his league and he's projecting his insecurities. Could be hard work going forward if he has the potential to become possessive and jealous. 

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You still never answered whether you like him or not.

7 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

The most important thing to reflect on is if you liked him or not.


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Sarah belle
2 hours ago, stillafool said:

You still never answered whether you like him or not.


I can’t say just cause it was one date.

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mark clemson

He seems weird. Possibly he has some emotional issues, as others above have been alluding to. That doesn't necessarily mean he's "all bad" or anything, but there may be better fish in the sea.

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2 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

I can’t say just cause it was one date.

Yeah I get it.  That is probably why you also haven't heard from him, he's still deciding too.

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This would have been an immediate turn off. Sorry. 

It also sounds like he talks a lot but doesn’t follow through. There are a lot of people like this. Move on.

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On 3/9/2023 at 11:47 AM, Sarah belle said:

I can’t say just cause it was one date.

Has he contacted you for another date? If you're on the fence, go for another date. If he was off-putting to you, simply decline and move forward.

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Sarah belle
4 hours ago, stillafool said:

Have you heard from him yet Sarah Belle?

Nope and it’s almost been a week lol. He continues to be the first person to view my story whenever I post on social media. during the date he was so worried about me ghosting or not texting him etc and what I thought about him. After the date he was still texting me asking me what I thought of him. 

maybe he’s just not interested which is fine, but during the date he told me if he’s not interested in a girl he’s one of the few men that voice it, and let the woman know. 

my interest was pretty low throughout and after the date so it’s really not a loss for me. 

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Sarah belle
21 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Has he contacted you for another date? If you're on the fence, go for another date. If he was off-putting to you, simply decline and move forward.

Nope he hasn’t he just views my social media. 

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2 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

Nope he hasn’t he just views my social media. 

Delete and block him. There's no reason to have him on your social media. Instead keep talking to and meeting men.

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Total turn off.....he's asking you how he rates...ewww. He was asking all the wrong questions. Girl ditch this guy.

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Sarah belle
3 hours ago, smackie9 said:

Total turn off.....he's asking you how he rates...ewww. He was asking all the wrong questions. Girl ditch this guy.

He ditched me lol

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