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What to do as I am stressed?

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I have been dating someone for 8 month.

I helped her when she was sick (I looked after her took her to the hospital) I got her a job at my work place.

Then we arranged to go the xmas party together but she cancelled on me saying she is too sick.

She will message me and we can have pizza at hers she didn't message me then I found out she went to the xmas party there were photos online.

She denied it and still denies it but admits it to other colleagues even when I am in the room.

I found out that she was out all day with another guy (her boss) , the lies were the final straw now she just reports me of everything (We work different departments at work) If i wish someone happy Christmas on their social media page she reports me then I get called in the (the guy she reports me to is the guy she went to the pub with) office she has reported me for humming (I do not talk to her) she reports me saying i keep talking to her when i do not. The guy she reports me to keeps trying to goad me.


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Many mistakes here. You need to stop bending over backwards for any woman. Never date anyone from your workplace or get someone you are dating a job where you work....you seemed to have missed that she's a user. She is done with you and reaching for bigger goals. You were her stepping stone. I suggest you look for a new job and don't do this sort of thing again.

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Is there anyone higher up from this guy that you can talk to?

They are trying to force you out by making up crap. 

Document everything.

Stay strong and vigilant. 

Do you have anyone in your office that can vouch for you when she makes these false claims?

Gather as much evidence as you can.

Check her social media in your private time to see if she's posting anything about you.

Don't let them win.

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