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How to do I move forward without risking my relationships?

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I’m stuck in between my boyfriend and my adult daughter. He wants me to move in with him in a new apt. full time which I discussed with him months ago. At that time I intended to sell my home (in a different town) by years end. However the transition has been very challenging for me. Giving up my home of 26 years and the comfort isn’t easy. I want to spend more time with him but it comes at a “cost”. We talked about buying a home together but everything is very expensive and he’s expecting me to pay half (even though he has a lot more money than me). My adult daughter wants me to ultimately move to her out of state. She discourages me going to my boyfriends apt. I could see myself renting near her later part time next year. I’ve coped with this by spending only certain weekends at the apt and encouraging him to come to my home on certain weekends. He really loves the apt in the area it’s in and I enjoy it too (but not as much as him). I know I should only do what makes me happy but it’s hard to figure that out given the pressure I feel from my bf and my daughter. How should I proceed?


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16 minutes ago, overcomingissues said:

. How should I proceed?

If you want to live together with your boyfriend long term whether you do it now or later it’s going to happen. Buying a house together is another level but if you’re sure he’s the one for you, it is what it is. Why does you daughter want you too to move closer to her?

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