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My husband has had numerous online affairs. He stopped for awhile. Now he is back at it. 

I grew up very religious. I don't know if I could forgive myself if I had one. 

I just feel angry and hurt. 

Thinking about if I want to do the same?


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I'm big on my personal integrity. I just want to be a person I can feel good about. So I couldn't do it, either. I remember after my husband's affair briefly toying with the idea of starting something up with my ex who always seems to pop in every few years being vaguely flirty. He'd just left a long term relationship to boot. But what stopped me was that it would just be an unhealthy, toxic mess. It wouldn't make me feel better for having been cheated on. I already know my ex would flirt with me if I wanted, or some other guy would. I don't need to prove that to myself. And if I tried to have an affair with someone, I'd just be offering them a self-serving waste of time that might take them away from relationships that could be fulfilling and transparent.

We have one precious life. Spend it in ways that feed your soul and bless your loved ones. What are healthy ways you can deal with your feelings about your husband's affair? Why not put that energy into considering your true options, like divorce?

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The other option is ceasing to be married to him rather than compromising your values. You disagree with what he’s doing. What is keeping you in a sham marriage like this? He does whatever he wants disregarding you or the way you feel and you are thinking of doing the same.

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10 hours ago, Karsue said:

Thinking about if I want to do the same?

As Michelle Obama said, “when they go low, we go high.” 

There is nothing to be gained from lowering yourself to this level. It will only further contaminate the relationship, and that’s not something that I would personally want to do. I would much rather keep my dignity and file for divorce than have a revenge affair. 


Edited by BaileyB
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14 hours ago, Karsue said:

My husband has had numerous online affairs.  Now he is back at it. Thinking about if I want to do the same?

Sorry this is going on. How old is he? How long have you been married? Do you have children? Is there a reason you can't divorce?

Getting even won't help you, but you can open the relationship if you both want to chat with others. 

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  1. He is 51. We have been together 31 years. We have 2 special needs children with autism who are both online school. It would be hard to get a divorce, take care of them, and work.
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4 hours ago, BaileyB said:

As Michelle Obama said, “when they go low, we go high.” 

There is nothing to be gained from lowering yourself to this level. It will only further contaminate the relationship, and that’s not something that I would personally want to do. I would much rather keep my dignity and file for divorce than have a revenge affair. 


I am so frustrated and hurt it is hard to take the high road. I guess I just needed the encouragement to do the right thing.

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