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Girlfriend Slept with HR manager

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11 minutes ago, WELLINGTON14 said:

I will find my person when the times right so don’t settle because of fear.

Good for you that you're over the break up and in a better place now.  Try not to think about the past too much as the best is ahead of you.  You will find your person when the time is right for you.  Onwards and upwards, good luck!

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mark clemson

IMO you did the right thing. People who do truly crazy stuff when intoxicated are unpredictable and can be a danger to themselves, others, and eventually to you - e.g. when you get blamed for "your role" in something that was essentially her doing.

A personal story - I had a dysfunctional GF, long ago (one of a few, now that I look back). During an argument she violently banged her own head on a doorknob leaving a VERY LARGE bruise/goose egg. Walking around a college campus - the instant assumption was that *I* had done this and was as abusive BF. The lesson was that a) she had real problems that I couldn't fix and b) trying to be supportive (in her case) was only going to cause real and very serious problems for me. So it was clear I needed to end it.

People like that can leave "damage" on you that requires some cognitive/emotional processing to get past. If you're now looking to stop being single, consider reading the book A Billion Wicked Thoughts. Specifically the chapters on female attraction as it's a long read. If you can apply some of the stuff described there it may go a long way towards making it easier for you to find new partners.

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