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How comfortable are you now that numbers are very low?

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16 hours ago, Elswyth said:

Full vaccination puts the risk of dying from Covid in the same ballpark as the flu. So I'm mostly comfortable, myself. I'll be washing my hands and maintaining social distancing where I can, but I won't be altering my daily routine much either. Basically, I'd take the same precautions as I typically did pre-Covid.

Unfortunately people who can't get vaccinated or who are immunocompromised or very old are at higher risk - but these population groups have always been at higher risk to begin with, even with the flu.

Right, if left unchecked, even the flu can kill you. I've had the flu, and it wasn't pretty. 

Thing is though, I've gone several years of my life, perhaps over 10 years, without catching the flu or really being really sick..outside of a sniffle here and there. I've even gone without the flu shot for a very long time, and still...not sick. I went back to getting the flu shot though.

During all that, when this all started back in April of last year, I figured I'd still won't get badly sick from Covid, considering my entire life experience regarding my personal experiences through out my ENTIRE lifetime.  When I was seeing how it was obese people and people over 65 were the only people to be concerned, I was like "Cool, guess I'm okay"  Then when I was seeing personal fitness trainers getting jacked by Covid,  it was a serious WTF?! moment. There was stories of them not even being able to walk a couple of blocks without having to rest.

That NO one was safe, no matter how fit and healthy you are.

In one of our counties, they are like 75% vaccinated. Some places are opening up based on vaccination percentages and lowered hospitalizations and deaths.

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On 11/4/2021 at 3:16 AM, QuietRiot said:

You want to know what's ironic. I have fully vaccinated friends that were cautious throughout this whole 2020 pandemic NOW saying what anti-maskers/vaxxers had been saying in 2020, "I may as well live life, and stop living in fear."  After having been boosted, I believe I'm following suit...but it makes sense if you think about it.  The purpose of the vaccine is so you wouldn't have to socially distant. 


I think there was an idea that if we hunker down long enough this will be gone forever.  I never thought that was practical.  I've always thought that COVID will be something we'll be living with for years to come, so learning to live with it should be the priority, as opposed to waiting for it to go away.

The masks, social distancing will be a way of life more than temporary measures.  This is what happens with pandemics, we learn how to improve our methods of living with various infectious pathogens.  Vaccines improve over time, we develop medications to address symptoms and reduce mortality, it's a process.

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On 11/4/2021 at 10:16 AM, QuietRiot said:

You want to know what's ironic. I have fully vaccinated friends that were cautious throughout this whole 2020 pandemic NOW saying what anti-maskers/vaxxers had been saying in 2020, "I may as well live life, and stop living in fear."  After having been boosted, I believe I'm following suit...but it makes sense if you think about it.  The purpose of the vaccine is so you wouldn't have to socially distant. 


Yes, of course, that is the point of the vaccine.  It will work for many.  It is not 100% for some though, so until infection levels go right down there is still risk for some.

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4 hours ago, dramafreezone said:

I think there was an idea that if we hunker down long enough this will be gone forever.  I never thought that was practical.  I've always thought that COVID will be something we'll be living with for years to come, so learning to live with it should be the priority, as opposed to waiting for it to go away.

The masks, social distancing will be a way of life more than temporary measures.  This is what happens with pandemics, we learn how to improve our methods of living with various infectious pathogens.  Vaccines improve over time, we develop medications to address symptoms and reduce mortality, it's a process.


Indeed, that said, I'll leave some good news...


Pfizer board member Gottlieb says the Covid pandemic could be over in the U.S. by January


“These mandates that are going to be put in place by Jan. 4 really are coming on the tail end of this pandemic,” said Gottlieb, who’s also a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. “By Jan. 4, this pandemic may well be over, at least as it relates to the United States after we get through this delta wave of infection. And we’ll be in a more endemic phase of this virus.”

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2 events happened this weekend where I live. The Renn Fair and the Fairgrounds had a semi-big shindig that was in an indoor warehouse type place. Saw no one wearing masks, at least in the photographs...no masks under chin nothing. These shin digs were all cancelled last year...but now...it's as if it's pre-Covid.; Seeing a lot of hometown events going all out.

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2 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

2 events happened this weekend where I live. The Renn Fair and the Fairgrounds had a semi-big shindig that was in an indoor warehouse type place. Saw no one wearing masks, at least in the photographs...no masks under chin nothing. These shin digs were all cancelled last year...but now...it's as if it's pre-Covid.; Seeing a lot of hometown events going all out.

That doesn’t mean that I will be attending, because - I won’t. 

I’m loving my life, going to work, visiting with family and friends outside whenever possible, shopping and whatever else… I’m not ready to go back to large public, indoor or even outdoor gatherings. 

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2 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

2 events happened this weekend where I live. The Renn Fair and the Fairgrounds had a semi-big shindig that was in an indoor warehouse type place. Saw no one wearing masks, at least in the photographs...no masks under chin nothing. These shin digs were all cancelled last year...but now...it's as if it's pre-Covid.; Seeing a lot of hometown events going all out.

I've just read a post from a guy who is fully vaccinated, but still caught covid. He said it's the sickest he's ever been, and I quote: "This ___ is no joke". Mid-twenties, very healthy previously. 

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3 minutes ago, Angelle said:

I've just read a post from a guy who is fully vaccinated, but still caught covid. He said it's the sickest he's ever been, and I quote: "This ___ is no joke". Mid-twenties, very healthy previously. 

Thing is, since it's endemic, we will all enviably get it anyway.

I plan on going on a hiking group next week, I'm fully boosted as well (3rd boost). It's outdoors...not going to wear a mask on the hike of course, and again....outdoors. Though it's no joke, you'll likely recover from it like you would a bad flu. Thankfully your friend was vaccinated. 

I'll likely wear a mask indoors on an as needed basis. Like if things get too crowded or something. 

Also, here in Florida it helps that are rate of infection is down considerably. 

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Backing up @QuietRiotThe Pfizer treatment and the Merck treatment pills (The UK approved the Merck pill this week) are wonderful news. 

Pfizer says when taken within 3 days of the onset of symptoms, their pill can reduce hospitalization and death by 89 percent. That's amazing! Of course, the real world numbers are always lower than the study numbers. But still, the idea of calling my doctor and going to the pharmacy (or sending a friend) to get some pills--that's amazingly good news.  

I remember at the start of the epidemic, an economist of all people saying we will be struggling with Covid until we get a vaccine AND/or really good treatments. Treatment meaning you get the infection, but you can minimize it or help people get better despite the infection.  

Given all the controversy and disagreement over vaccinations, treatment breakthroughs are fantastic news. I assume more and more treatments are on the way and that the first generation of treatments will be improved over time. 

We went back to work in person this fall, and I'm enjoying it. We have to mask and be vaccinated at my job. I feel quite safe. My job posts tests and infections publicly for all of us to track. 




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4 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

Thing is, since it's endemic, we will all enviably get it anyway.

I plan on going on a hiking group next week, I'm fully boosted as well (3rd boost). It's outdoors...not going to wear a mask on the hike of course, and again....outdoors. Though it's no joke, you'll likely recover from it like you would a bad flu. Thankfully your friend was vaccinated. 

I'll likely wear a mask indoors on an as needed basis. Like if things get too crowded or something. 

Also, here in Florida it helps that are rate of infection is down considerably. 

I'm not telling you what to do - you asked how comfortable people are. I'm explaining why I'm still not that comfortable. A brand new high in covid deaths, in my State, doesn't make me feel great about being in crowds, so I try to avoid them. I'm not into football games anyway, but seeing the massive crowds at games, and concerts, doesn't fill me with joy. The pills may be good news, but they aren't available yet. My dad is 74, and is usually in better health than I am, but he is exhausted, and I don't know if he would make it, if he caught it and ended up hospitalized. I don't know if *I* would. I remember people talking about the gut issues with covid, earlier last year, and being told to take probiotics and I'd be fine. My gut has been messed up for almost twelve years (where, if I eat something on a day I can't get away with it, like pizza, or spaghetti, maybe), I will be in pain, and puking for hours. I'm not going to risk anything, if I can help it. 

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On 10/30/2021 at 10:01 PM, QuietRiot said:

I am noticing a LOT less topics in this area of the message board regarding Covid. In Florida, where I live, the numbers are extremely low and quite frankly even the fully vaccinated are loosening up on their mask wearing and social distancing.

How is it where you live? Especially in the United States?


[ ] where is it that "the numbers are extremely low"  (in the English-speaking world) ???


56,443 Americans have died of Covid since the end of September, in 38 days.             (only 38,000 Americans die in car crashes in a typical year)


266,000 people have died of Covid world-wide since the end of September.


Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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On 11/6/2021 at 1:42 PM, QuietRiot said:

Thing is, since it's endemic, we will all enviably get it anyway.



That makes minimal sense, as nobody has any idea at this point whether Covid will be "endemic".


There is certainly nothing enviable about any of it.



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8 hours ago, SincereOnlineGuy said:

nothing enviable about any of it.

I'm guessing he meant "inevitably".

But I don't agree with either enviably or inevitably.  

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7 hours ago, SincereOnlineGuy said:


That makes minimal sense, as nobody has any idea at this point whether Covid will be "endemic".


There is certainly nothing enviable about any of it.



There are many sources out there saying that we're entering an endemic phase, like that of the seasonal flu. An endemic equilibrium.  Basically, we're going to have to learn to live with this virus. This will happen many years to come...so time to live with it.

Though, you can make a personal choice on how you want to mitigate it yourself. IE - if you're in a household living with an immunocompromised person or you yourself are immunocompromised. 

For instance, I've been pondering whether or not to go back to the gym...discussed this with my friends considering this, too.

It's like this, we'll all inevitably get Covid, vaccinated or not. One such person watches the PER 100K number of positive case rates in his area. Like if it's less than 15 cases per 100,000, then he'll go to the gym, if less than 5 per 100K, then indoor dining. He works in molecular diagnostic test development which includes him working with  molecular biologists and virologists....so he has the finger on the pulse of the mechanics of the pandemic when with his collegues.

He says that higher than 15 case per 100K is where he eliminates all congregate activities

5-10...is medium risk, and will consider some indoor activities

Less then 5...is low risk and indoor activities will deemed the least risk

So... a big part of that is restricting high-risk behaviors during high-prevalence periods.

That all said, you can bank on the fact that if you do get Covid and fully vaccinated, you'll get pretty sick to the point where you'll have to stay home a few days to suffer through it, and then recover, granted that you're not too overweight, diabetic, or elderly. But woah the person who is unvaccinated. 

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The guy I'm involved with is playing tour dates in Germany and the Netherlands for the next week, and there have been questions about whether they will be able to go on.  Both countries have increasing numbers.  The numbers in my area of the US  are comparatively lower based on the past year.  But with travel opening up, we all share in the increased risks whether or not the increased numbers have hit our areas yet.  

The netherlands numbers continue going up and up.  https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/netherlands/

Monday the highest case count on record for Germany was reported.  https://www.newsmax.com/health/headline/germany-covid-19-vaccines/2021/11/08/id/1043830/



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9 hours ago, FMW said:

The guy I'm involved with is playing tour dates in Germany and the Netherlands for the next week, and there have been questions about whether they will be able to go on.  Both countries have increasing numbers.  The numbers in my area of the US  are comparatively lower based on the past year.  But with travel opening up, we all share in the increased risks whether or not the increased numbers have hit our areas yet.  

The netherlands numbers continue going up and up.  https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/netherlands/

Monday the highest case count on record for Germany was reported.  https://www.newsmax.com/health/headline/germany-covid-19-vaccines/2021/11/08/id/1043830/



Yeah, now that the United States are opening up its borders to International travel, is that an indication that it's "safer" now?  In Florida, some counties are low risk to medium risk areas. The entire state of Florida per Covid Act Now is 7 per 100,000 cases. That's very teeny tiny, and some places are basing their loosening of their restrictions based on that. (Sorry for the overuse of the word "base" lol)

Of course, our governor is getting pats on the back for these dwindling numbers regardless of his anti-mask and anti-mask views.

Heck, I plan on going on a hiking group of 30+ people, no masks of course...because....outdoors.

Some are like "If I get a breakthrough, so what?" Which is true...I mean, so what ? That's what being vaccinated is for, to keep us from dying, and dwindling it down to feeling down in the dumps a few days.

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For those here fully vaccinated, and even boosted...how are you now engaging with your social life? This weekend, the weather will be great and...I plan on hitting a hiking Meetup group where around 30+ people RSVP'd. I think I feel safe...maskless... because...well...outdoors. Would be pointless to wear masks in the great outdoors. 

How are you getting back into the swing of things with friends and loved ones now that you're fully vaxxed?


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On 11/8/2021 at 8:47 PM, SincereOnlineGuy said:

[ ] where is it that "the numbers are extremely low"  (in the English-speaking world) ???


I think it’s all relative.  Compared to the insanely high infection numbers in the US this past year, infections have come down in many parts of the country… that said, the US is still averaging 1250 deaths per day and I heard yesterday that the country is on track to record 1 million deaths by March. I have a friend who lives in the US and she takes WAY more risk than most of my Canadian family and friends.  She says that she feels pressure because everyone around her has essentially decided that covid is “over” - it’s “endemic” and we must learn to live with it - and people are taking fewer precautions. 

We are on the uptick again - public health gave the warning today that we should expect more restrictions in the coming days… 

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30 minutes ago, BaileyB said:

I think it’s all relative.  Compared to the insanely high infection numbers in the US this past year, infections have come down in many parts of the country… that said, the US is still averaging 1250 deaths per day and I heard yesterday that the country is on track to record 1 million deaths by March. I have a friend who lives in the US and she takes WAY more risk than most of my Canadian family and friends.  She says that she feels pressure because everyone around her has essentially decided that covid is “over” - it’s “endemic” and we must learn to live with it - and people are taking fewer precautions. 

We are on the uptick again - public health gave the warning today that we should expect more restrictions in the coming days… 

And we are just going to live with it, down here. 😕 

I miss going to the movies. A friend mentioned that she had to go home, because she'd forgotten her vaccination card, so she saw a later showing of whatever she watched. She's in Washington State. I looked up ours, and they only recommend masks. I doubt that they enforce it. No vaccine required. I'm in Ohio, where one guy who owns a restaurant, started freaking out about restrictions in May last year. I doubt restaurants are requiring vaccines. 

When my mum died, we made a new tradition of going to the movies on New Year's Eve, so that we wouldn't be stuck at home, and miserable without her. Last year, I was so exhausted from lack of sleep that I fell asleep watching a movie on Disney+ and didn't mind it so much, but I was hoping things would be different this year. 

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Hell, the US is allowing vaccianted internationals to fly into our country now. As of today, masks are becoming optional in the schools in Florida. Local court rooms are lifting their bans and letting people back into their buildings. Everything here in Florida and many other states, masks, social distancing, etc etc. Are becoming optional or recommended. 

I guess to establishments everywhere that are doing this, when I hear about this, it DOES seem things are getting back to normal based on how local governments are loosening restrictions.

For whomever put quotes around "endemic" this is true, we're going from pandemic to endemic now.

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1 hour ago, QuietRiot said:

Hell, the US is allowing vaccianted internationals to fly into our country now. As of today, masks are becoming optional in the schools in Florida. Local court rooms are lifting their bans and letting people back into their buildings. Everything here in Florida and many other states, masks, social distancing, etc etc. Are becoming optional or recommended. 

I guess to establishments everywhere that are doing this, when I hear about this, it DOES seem things are getting back to normal based on how local governments are loosening restrictions.

For whomever put quotes around "endemic" this is true, we're going from pandemic to endemic now.

But that doesn't make it right.

Some stores are still asking that people wear masks, and employees started wearing them again. Letting people in from other countries, is just asking for trouble, and not just for us. 

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On 10/30/2021 at 7:01 AM, QuietRiot said:

In Florida, where I live, the numbers are extremely low and quite frankly even the fully vaccinated are loosening up on their mask wearing and social distancing.

How is it where you live? Especially in the United States?

All i can say is WOW. You think 1,666 new cases and a 7 day average of 1,974 is low!? These are the statics for Florida Oct 30th. They be low when compared to the peak of 20,000 new cases a day back in August, but they are hardly what i would consider low. Where I live in New York state, the new cases count was 2,794 for Oct. 30th, they were last low back in June where there were a few hundred cases a day. 

I'm not comfortable at all with the current numbers. I beginning to doubt we will ever beat covid, especially with all the anti-vacciners. It will be like the common cold, and flu (which kills about 40k a year) always with us. Killing off a few hundred thousand of the unvacinated each year and a couple hundred of the vacinnated.  

I keep hearing about when we reach herd immunity the virus will die out, but how can you reach that point when those who were infected can get it again and those vacinnated can still also get it, even if it's 4 times less likely to catch it.  



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3 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

I guess to establishments everywhere that are doing this, when I hear about this, it DOES seem things are getting back to normal based on how local governments are loosening restrictions.

Governments can make decisions that are not based on science and get themselves into a world of trouble. In Canada, the premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan loosened restrictions and abolished the mask mandate only to see in precious rise in late summer/early fall to the point that their healthcare systems were near collapse. Tonight, on the news, the discussion was related to the incredible backlog of surgeries that exist in Canada now - 130,000 surgeries postponed in my province, many of which prolong pain and suffering and some of which will be catastrophic for cancer patients who have had their surgery/treatment delayed. 

Governments making poor decisions and people blindly trusting their government has contributed to these problems. 

I was required to show proof of vaccination at work and those who didn’t are required to produce a negative test every other day (it is valid for 48 hours). Masks are worn in the building, social distancing is required. We must provide proof of vaccination to enter a restaurant, movie theatre, or hockey arena and if one is unable to provide proof of vaccination/identification they are denied entry. Such is life during covid. I’m just used to it now. 

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