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The beauty of not listening to people

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One thing Im so glad about is how I often dont listen. That sounds terrible, but if I had listened to people I wouldve missed out on many things. I wouldn't be able to grow into my own person and learn my own abilities. 

Many times people will tell me I can't do something because they can't do it, or they have some erroneous idea of how things work in their minds. 

The advice i usually get is to keep doing what I hate. If you want a new life, you must give up the old. If someone keeps doing the same things in life, they will have the same kind of life. How can someone do the same things and get different results? 

Sure, Ive had to stumble. I have mental and physical pain, but that's the price of doing what you love. Id rather that then be borderline suicidal bc I hated my life so much. I refuse to live my life by some sunk cost fallacy. 

Im not going to miss out on things I love because someone on the internet or because my Mommy told me I couldn't do it anyway. At the end of the day, I will do what's in my spirit. Frankly, I don't need support, i only need people to step aside. The most successful people I know are actually some of the most supportive, so go figure. 

Cheers to my life, that I live with passion. Im glad i didn't let people on this very board tell me not to live with passion! They can keep their drab lives. 

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8 hours ago, hotpotato said:

One thing Im so glad about is how I often dont listen. That sounds terrible, but if I had listened to people I wouldve missed out on many things. I wouldn't be able to grow into my own person and learn my own abilities. 

Many times people will tell me I can't do something because they can't do it, or they have some erroneous idea of how things work in their minds. 

The advice i usually get is to keep doing what I hate. If you want a new life, you must give up the old. If someone keeps doing the same things in life, they will have the same kind of life. How can someone do the same things and get different results? 

Sure, Ive had to stumble. I have mental and physical pain, but that's the price of doing what you love. Id rather that then be borderline suicidal bc I hated my life so much. I refuse to live my life by some sunk cost fallacy. 

Im not going to miss out on things I love because someone on the internet or because my Mommy told me I couldn't do it anyway. At the end of the day, I will do what's in my spirit. Frankly, I don't need support, i only need people to step aside. The most successful people I know are actually some of the most supportive, so go figure. 

Cheers to my life, that I live with passion. Im glad i didn't let people on this very board tell me not to live with passion! They can keep their drab lives. 

Love this post!  Well said! 👍

Re the bolded, to add to it, the most successful people I know are those who made the most mistakes, who failed, but learned, grew and evolved from those mistakes and failures (which are inevitable and part of life).

We don't learn by listening or following the herd, we learn by doing for ourselves, making our own decisions (and either failing or succeeding).

Which is why I no longer ask for advice anywhere, including this forum or any other forum.  And my advice to those who do is take it all in, but in the end, do what YOU feel is best for you, live by your own golden rule, no one else's. 



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