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Awfully specific dating criteria

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I was reading through this woman's profile, and I see at the bottom. "If you don't know who Dave Ramsey is nor interested in knowing more about him, please pass me by".

I mean, I know who he is, and what he's about, but wouldn't you say this is an awfully unusual and specific piece of criteria and would you say using it as a deal breaker is kind of strange? lol

I think I know why now how people remind up remaining perpetually single...it's this kind of criteria, right?

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I agree that sometimes it's easy to see why somebody is single but they get to live their lives as they see fit. 

Be happy people like this make it easy to swipe left.  

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Ahhh, dreamers with their heads where the sun don't shine just keep walkin.

Back in the day, yrs ago now , those types we're all through the site l used. Well guess what , 4 or 5yrs later my brother's using that same site now plus a couple of others too and we were browsing though them for him the other night.

l recognized dozens of them still on them from back when l was using it yrs ago.  A couple of them l specifically remembered in particular and l read what they were saying on their page now and ahhhh.  lt was pretty obvious that all these yrs later now you could see very clearly they'd landed back on planet earth with a thud over the yrs and were a little more humbly realistic these days.         Still wouldn't touch any of them with a barge pole.

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It''s just a filter like any other.
Some women get inundated with messages from totally unsuitable men,  and will use anything to try to filter out the no hopers.
She probably has figured that by using "Dave Ramsey" as a test, she will find a man who may tick her boxes.
Dave Ramsey probably appeals to a specific demographic, one which she wants to tap into...
What's actually wrong with that?


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4 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

I was reading through this woman's profile, and I see at the bottom. "If you don't know who Dave Ramsey is nor interested in knowing more about him, please pass me by".

I mean, I know who he is, and what he's about, but wouldn't you say this is an awfully unusual and specific piece of criteria and would you say using it as a deal breaker is kind of strange? lol

I think I know why now how people remind up remaining perpetually single...it's this kind of criteria, right?

Well she did offer to be open to guys who are interested in knowing more about him.

Yah that is weirdly specific to me, she must really be a fan, a follower of this guy, and want's a guy who is down with that.   It's not like this guy is Jimmy Buffet :) 

She is certainly swinging for the fences with a filter like this, but heck why not.  No skin off my teeth and good to know as if I'm not all about this guy can hard pass on her, saves everyone time.

You are right though, this kind of thing can really lower the amount of responses she gets.  I don't think that her being a fan of this guy would necessarily be the cause of her being perpetually single, more that a person that has such a criteria may be too unconventionally picky in other ways and hard to get along with.  

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Hmmmm.....not necessarily. I think the Ramsey thing is a whole "thing" (awkward...I've been writing for a client all morning and I'm out of words). Oh! Got it. A whole lifestyle and outlook. It's a way of ordering your life, so if she's that into it, it is important in much the same way that "must be a Christian" or "must love horses as I ride every weekend" or whatever is important.

Either way, if that's not the person for you, it's not.

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It's an indirect way of saying she doesn't want a guy who is a financial mess.  I see no problem with it.

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8 minutes ago, Elswyth said:

Who dafug is Dave Ramsey?

He's a US based "famous" financial counselor.  Think Suzie Orman.   He has some good ideas but he's closer to a pop psychologist then a true individualized financial planner. 

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Did you just log onto OLD. If this is what bothers you about some of the criteria, keep looking and be entertained. In all seriousness, if it's not for you, move to the next match. No harm done.

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9 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

I was reading through this woman's profile, and I see at the bottom. "If you don't know who Dave Ramsey is nor interested in knowing more about him, please pass me by".

It sounds like code for ultraconservative without having to say it. 

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I've been on and off of OLD for like 8 years. Every time I go back to this one OLD site there is a woman's profile that has been paid and is always showing up as active in the last 24 hours. It isn't a fishing profile as she's pretty but not the usual fishing pics - you know what I mean. And the pics and bio changed over the 8 years so she's definitely updating it. She is non-white, living in the middle of the US and belonging to a religion that is not at all common to her ethnicity and is not terribly prevalent in this part of the country. Her profile specifically says something like, "I don't date out of my ethnicity. I don't date out of my religion. I don't date men with facial hair of any sort. I only date men who are within 10 miles - LOCALS ONLY. Looking for a serious relationship with a man who wants to start a family."

Given her curious mix of must haves, I imagine you can count the number of men that qualify on one hand in the 8 years I've seen her profile. If that. 

It kind of reminds me of those impossible job postings companies use to make prior to being able to hire on a H1-B work visa. See, we couldn't find a domestic Java developer who is also a chess master, fluent in Tagalog and Sanskrit, and has 5 years experience operating a jet turbine engine. 

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21 minutes ago, Mrin said:

It kind of reminds me of those impossible job postings companies use to make prior to being able to hire on a H1-B work visa. See, we couldn't find a domestic Java developer who is also a chess master, fluent in Tagalog and Sanskrit, and has 5 years experience operating a jet turbine engine. 

LMAO, I legit once saw a job posting asking for "10 years of iOS dev experience". That would have been fine, if iOS hadn't only been in existence for 8 years at that point...

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50 minutes ago, Elswyth said:

LMAO, I legit once saw a job posting asking for "10 years of iOS dev experience". That would have been fine, if iOS hadn't only been in existence for 8 years at that point...

hahahaha! Right?

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Shining One

I've seen worse. A friend of mine had the following requirements on her Match profile: Black or brown hair, blue or green Eyes, 6' or over, athletic or slim body shape, and white. She still found plenty of matches though.

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I too, had to Google Ramsey and under the heading of of "learn more about him" I found that he's an evangelical Christian, which to me, likely speaks more to what she'd be referencing on a dating site.  With this background known, I would interpret it as another way of saying she wants a conservative Christian partner.   All things considered, this is perfectly reasonable thing to ask for.

@QuietRiot you've got quite a history of complaining about women's dating criteria.  What's going on?   In this case, are you sad that you missed out on her?

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It means she lives a particular lifestyle. 
She’s VERY frugal and wants someone who is not going go swiping his credit card everywhere. 

She’s probably Christian and politically conservative. 

Do you want her to force herself to date you because you think she’s being too specific? You don’t want to change anything about yourself but you want women to throw their wants out the window. 


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4 hours ago, Elswyth said:

LMAO, I legit once saw a job posting asking for "10 years of iOS dev experience". That would have been fine, if iOS hadn't only been in existence for 8 years at that point...

😂 Those pre-fetal course loads are a B, I hear.

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I've seen a few of those types of things on profiles too. My feeling has been that it isn't serious and just a conversation starter in case you do know him. Like saying "if you don't think that X is the greatest TV show in the world keep moving"

Sometimes I've also seen this with movie quotes or songs.

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6 hours ago, Shining One said:

I've seen worse. A friend of mine had the following requirements on her Match profile: Black or brown hair, blue or green Eyes, 6' or over, athletic or slim body shape, and white. She still found plenty of matches though.

Ahhh, the matches those places give you are ridiculous does anyone even take any notice of them. You could put in anything and they'll throw hundreds of their so called matched at them. Bet you none of them lead to anything except more silly dead end dates and she's still single.

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Hahahaha. Good one.

I dont know it and im not interested to know.Like....you looking for love or fan club??.

Eventhou you can take it also that the person is sayingshe just want  someone with same interest like that.

But it still sounds crazy....lol.

Better skip her. Like if you are adult, it looks weird. People wanna know more about life stuff,serious stuff,like your personality ,and so on. Lol

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4 hours ago, jspice said:

She’s probably Christian and politically conservative. 

Exactly and interested in Dave Ramsey's financial philosophy too.

What is actually wrong with that?
She knows what she wants, she has made it clear the type of guy she wants  and she is not going to waste anyone's time.
She wants to limit her options because unsuitable men are of no interest to her.
She doesn't want to date Mr Atheist Spendaholic, then live the rest of her life attempting to convert him or trying to pay off his credit card bills...
If you don't match, you don't match, no amount of "She SHOULD  be open to dating me" is going to hold any water. 

I also think Max has a good point.
Some of these "statements" on profiles are there to attract interest,  inject some humour, some controversy.
They are conversation starters, they are not meant to be taken seriously and literally.

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12 hours ago, Mrin said:

I've been on and off of OLD for like 8 years. Every time I go back to this one OLD site there is a woman's profile that has been paid and is always showing up as active in the last 24 hours. It isn't a fishing profile as she's pretty but not the usual fishing pics - you know what I mean. And the pics and bio changed over the 8 years so she's definitely updating it. She is non-white, living in the middle of the US and belonging to a religion that is not at all common to her ethnicity and is not terribly prevalent in this part of the country. Her profile specifically says something like, "I don't date out of my ethnicity. I don't date out of my religion. I don't date men with facial hair of any sort. I only date men who are within 10 miles - LOCALS ONLY. Looking for a serious relationship with a man who wants to start a family."

Given her curious mix of must haves, I imagine you can count the number of men that qualify on one hand in the 8 years I've seen her profile. If that. 

It kind of reminds me of those impossible job postings companies use to make prior to being able to hire on a H1-B work visa. See, we couldn't find a domestic Java developer who is also a chess master, fluent in Tagalog and Sanskrit, and has 5 years experience operating a jet turbine engine. 

You hit the nail on the head!  In fact, I knew this woman that moved from the big city that I used to commute to for a social life to MY area. She retired early, and she hated the city she worked in,and thusly chose a smaller town to livein (my area)

Kind of similar to this woman you spoke of. "LOCAL ONLY" and MUST BE 5'10", (she was only like 5'4" or maybe even shorter). She's also Christian. She was cute, but wasn't that much to look at. She claimed she had good family genes where you age gracefully. Prided herself on her father's genes. Claimed he could still pull women in his 70s. lol


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What's wrong with wanting local only and asking for a certain height?    Dating someone local often means that you'll find someone who's more like you, and it's convenient.  As far as physical attributes go, we read here all the time about men only wanting a certain body type.

All the criticism of women who are choosy sounds like sour grapes.   After all, it's nobody's business but their own.

Edited by basil67
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17 hours ago, clia said:

It's an indirect way of saying she doesn't want a guy who is a financial mess.  I see no problem with it.

I don't read it that way at all.  If someone makes a comment like that... it says to me..... "If you aren't willing to follow my cult, then I'm not interested."

Just because you may listen to someone about money... doesn't mean you have any, or actually know how to earn it. 

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