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Did you have side-effects after Johnson and Johnson Vaccine

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 Am tempted by this Johnson and Johnson vaccine- one dose and get it over with and all that,

I am concerned about side effects I suppose,

Anyway , if any of you are willing to share, just wondering did you feel ok after getting it or had you any repercussions?



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I had the Johnson & Johnson vaccine shot almost 2 months ago.  The only side effect I was aware of was feeling dizzy almost immediately after the shot, but it wasn't severe and went away after a day or so.  I didn't even have a sore arm.  I'm a 56 year old woman, so sex/age might come into play.  

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Can't speak for the J&J but I had Pfizer. This is just my opinion but you can look at side effects like this:

1. Covid related side effects: okay this is actually what you want. These are side effects where you essentially feel like you have covid because what you are feeling is your immune system responding to the vaccine like it should. I had these really strongly with my first shot of Pfizer because I had already had covid and so my immune system just erupted with the first shot against a foe that it had seen before. Pretty much knocked me out for 24 to 36 hours with covid-like symptoms: exhaustion, achiness, low fever. These are more universal as they are side effects of the immune system doing what the immune system is supposed to do in order to be vaccinated.

2. Vaccine related side effects: this is stuff that has less to do with the nature of the vaccine and more to do with just getting a vaccine. Sore arm. Some people complain of dizziness. And then you have they really rare reaction looks like blood clots and anaphylactic shock. Stuff like that. These are more idiosyncratic and depends on the person and how their body reacts to vaccines. 

So category 2 is sort of sky's the limit: it's really about your body's way of reacting to vaccines. Hell you might even grow a prehensile tail. Lol

But category 1 is what you can expect based off of how the immune system works and it's pretty finite. Exhaustion, headache, achiness are all pretty common and typically last one to two days. Low fevers are often present. 

I hope this helps!



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I got Pfizer, not J&J, but want to echo Mrin and be a vaccine cheerleader! Many people have zero side effects, or effects so minimal that they don't notice them---in fact, according to one study, 75% of people have no side effects other than arm pain! And generally speaking, the older you are, the less likely you are to have any.

My side effects were, on the whole, awesome. Dizziness after the 1st that was worse after the 2nd. I spent 36 hours after the 2nd shot being so sleepy that I spent almost the whole time in bed. Yes, I also had a very high fever and a brief headache, but I was mostly just more tired than I'd ever been in my life. If that's a sick day, sign me up! The sleep felt fantastic. I would much rather have intense exhaustion than the flu, strep throat, stomach flu, whatever...and certainly much rather that than COVID. 

Good luck with your vaccine; let us know how it goes.

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I got the J&J vaccine about 6 weeks ago.  Drowsiness and fatigue for the rest of the day.  That's it.

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I did not have J&J but family members did. 

They said they had minimal to no side effects.

My side effects felt intense for me, but I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the particular vaccine you get.

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Friend got it and said he had a boner and the runs for 3 days but he’s good now 

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Many thanks-appreciate your replies,

Yes I can get J and J  within the next few weeks or wait longer for the pfizer one.

Interesting you say some people had side effects with the pfizer one- I was assuming very little reactions with it,

Yes I may go ahead with J and J- will update!


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31 minutes ago, Cookiesandough said:

Friend got it and said he had a boner and the runs for 3 days but he’s good now 

Ok, Ill live with the first part ☺️

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On 5/18/2021 at 11:53 PM, Foxhall said:

Many thanks-appreciate your replies,

Yes I can get J and J  within the next few weeks or wait longer for the pfizer one.

Interesting you say some people had side effects with the pfizer one- I was assuming very little reactions with it,

Yes I may go ahead with J and J- will update!


Almost everyone I know that had the pfizer had some sort of side effects, ranging from mild to severe. Arm pain was nearly universal, but fevers, headaches, tiredness were present in most, particularly after the 2nd dose, though some has bad reactions to the first. 


All vaccines have some side effects. If you can get the J&J, go for it! One and done! 

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My neighbor across the street was one of the people who got clots. She was in the hospital for a few days.

I had the Madera.  Had fever and chills the day after I got the shot.  First one was worse than the second. 

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Fletch Lives

I had side effects after the first J&J shot........chills, lack of energy, felt like I was coming down with something for two weeks. Very minor.  No side effects after the second shot, however.

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15 hours ago, Fletch Lives said:

I had side effects after the first J&J shot........chills, lack of energy, felt like I was coming down with something for two weeks. Very minor.  No side effects after the second shot, however.

You sure that was J&J? I thought J&J was single shot only. 

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I had the Pfizer vaccine at about 10 am. It was chills and terrible headache (migraine-like) for two hours later in the evening from 7-9 pm and then back to normal. Very thirsty and hungry afterwards. It sure worked up an appetite. No tiredness or fatigue at all during the day of vaccination or the next days after.

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Eternal Sunshine

I had first Pfizer shot yesterday. I felt dizzy immediately after the vaccine so they kept me for an hour for observation but that cleared up quickly.

Once I got home, my arm was increasingly sore and the soreness worsened later in the day, like I couldn't do anything with that arm. Had to take pain killers to get to sleep. This morning, the arm soreness was nearly gone but I still felt slightly off. Like coming down with a flu. I still went to work but needed the nap after. No big deal really. I hear the 2nd shot is worse but I am happy to get it.

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On 5/18/2021 at 6:54 PM, Foxhall said:

Ok, Ill live with the first part ☺️ [3 day boner]

Not as much fun as you think it might be.


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As it turned out, I did not have the option of the J & J vaccine,

got first dose of the Pfizer today,

so far so good,

slight arm ache but ok otherwise.

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I got I got Pfizer in March. After the first shot, I felt very sleepy for 24hrs (so I just napped the day away) & slight sore arm. My second shot, just felt the sore arm. Nothing else.

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Oxford Astrazeneca here.  Nothing after the first jab. Had the second a few weeks ago and recently I've had some postmenopausal bleeding. I've obviously contacted my doctor to get it checked out.  I'm trying to avoid googling too much and ending up self diagnosing...but I did have a look to see if there is any connection between any of the vaccines and menstrual irregularities/postmenstrual bleeding, and there seems to be some early evidence of possible links.




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I got the Pfzier and I was sick for 2 days after the 1st shot.  My blood pressure shot up after the first shot.  I was in the bed for a week after the second shot.

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