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Embedding YouTube videos into posts

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Trail Blazer


I have tried to embed a YouTube video into a post, but all that displays in the URL.  I've tried using both an Android device and a Windows 10 laptop.

In other forums I've used in the past, there has always been a function to add a video, however on this forum that function is decidedly lacking.

Obviously it can be done, as evidenced by the many posters who've managed to embed YouTube videos into posts.  However, that ability has eluded me to this point.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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Greetings Trail Blazer,

Simply paste the URL directly into the post. It should magically transform before your eyes, with the power of the video-watching gerbils.

If you use the link button in the editor, it will assume you want it to remain text and not be so magic.


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18 minutes ago, Paul said:

Greetings Trail Blazer,

Simply paste the URL directly into the post. It should magically transform before your eyes, with the power of the video-watching gerbils.

If you use the link button in the editor, it will assume you want it to remain text and not be so magic.


Hi Paul, when on my iPhone and I paste the URL directly into the post, it automatically embeds the video.  However when I am on my laptop or desk top, it does not, it will only display the link.

I think this what Trail Blazer is referring to, he pastes the URL directly into the post, but it only displays the link, not the actual video itself.

Could it have something to do with the settings or codings that are already in place on my phone (it's a new phone with all the bells and whistles) but not on my laptop or desktop?


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Interesting, @poppyfields!

It seems to work for me testing on desktop, but it's entirely possible that something may be not working correctly. You might try forcing a full refresh of all of the magical things that make things like this work by clearing your web browser's cache.


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