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Is it cheating or not?

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Isabella York

Would you consider it emotional or a form of cheating when a man starts a relationship with you while still having feelings for his ex-girlfriend? In addition, he comments with hearts and flames on his female friends Instagram pictures which are very sexual, meaning showing their naked butts and naked breasts. He would never leave a comment under his girlfriends pictures which are non-sexual. He would also delete all their text messages between them on his phone. Please tell me what you think!

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Cheating is what you find not acceptable in the relationship and that is different for every one of us. Some people break up because their SO looks at the opposite sex too much when they are out and about and other's stay together forever even though their SO is blatantly bedding the opposite sex.

So it's about your perception and what you find acceptable behavior or not.

I personally would not tolerate my SO behaving the way yours is.

What are your standards?

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3 hours ago, Isabella York said:

Would you consider it emotional or a form of cheating when a man starts a relationship with you while still having feelings for his ex-girlfriend? In addition, he comments with hearts and flames on his female friends Instagram pictures which are very sexual, meaning showing their naked butts and naked breasts. He would never leave a comment under his girlfriends pictures which are non-sexual. He would also delete all their text messages between them on his phone. Please tell me what you think!

I would consider it bad judgement to get involved with someone not over their ex, and even worse judgement to stay with someone like this.

It's your responsibility to end it. Stop policing his social media.

You are responsible for your decision to either end it and find a decent man free and clear of exes, or continue to be publically humiliated by being associated with a horndog and his internet likes 

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I don't think it's cheating.  I do think you are a rebound.  He's with you to have a warm body.  He's still hung up on her. 

Likes, comments (other than overtly sexual ones) & other social media interactions are nonsensical & meaningless.  The fact that he follows a lot of women who post partial nudes is troubling.  

This guy is not all in with you.  

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Its not cheating if thats all he is doing.Maybe its worse.He not that into you and wasting your time???

If you know this so clear why dont you leave him?His feelings are anywhere but with you, he may just be with you to have someone with him for sex companion etc.

But emotionaly waiting for his ex to want him back😷

Adres this issues with him.And that you want him to stop.And why is he doing this?

But dont waiste much time. Doeant look like he that into you. When a man likes you ,you sure getting the hearts and kisses if thats wht he is doing on social media.

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I think you're the rebound/Plan B. I think it's likely that, if Plan A even on a whim came back into his life he'd either drop you like a hot potato or cheat on you with her. IF she never comes back, you might be fine, but - is that really something you want to stake the future of your relationship on?

People like this (genuinely hung up on an ex, but still dating others as Plan B) are out there. It's not exactly cheating, but it's not exactly fair to you either. BIG red flag IMO.

Edited by mark clemson
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