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I was already desinfecting my groceries but this guy is way better organized than I am. Our government said we didn't need to wash fruits and veggies with soap, only a good rinsing. I am peeling everything just to be sure. 

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I think moving bread into another container is a bit of an over-kill.  I wonder what the medical experts that are fielding questions would say about that?  Our Mayor is having telephone town halls where we can ask questions to a number of experts.  I will ask that question on the next one he holds.

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Thanks for this, @Piddy Very helpful. I was just thinking about this video as I was watching the news. Now they’re saying don’t wash your vegetables with soap. Soap is not “safe” or something. I don’t know what they recommended as I grew annoyed and turned it off. 

I don’t even know why I watch the news anymore. It’s obviously the blind leading the blind. Information changing daily because this is all a first for us and nobody knows. Just trudging along trying to do the right thing as it appears at any given moment. First “Masks are of no good!” Then “Masks are indeed helpful and good.”  I never could understand the mask hate anyway. Doctors have worn them for eons for the sole purpose of not getting germs in their face, ay? None of it makes sense. That probably will be the status quo from now on. 

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I'm disinfecting mine while they're still in the trunk of the car and then transferring them to that bag but I worry about getting that bag clean enough. 


so I had just ordered some grapes and I'm going to cancel them because there's no way to wash all those grapes off. I had a container of already stemmed strawberries and had just sterilize the outside of the container and then was washing each one before I ate it but not what's so because I didn't think that would be good. So I guess I'm going to go cancel my grape order. Maybe I'll get plums.

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Happy Lemming

I've ordered a few things off of ebay, as they arrive I put them in the guest house for 3 days (minimum).

Only after 3 days of quarantine are the items allowed into the main house.

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4 minutes ago, Happy Lemming said:

I've ordered a few things off of ebay, as they arrive I put them in the guest house for 3 days (minimum).

Only after 3 days of quarantine are the items allowed into the main house.

They have to leave them at the guard's gate here.  It is definitely CRAZY.  Also, just order groceries  and have them delivered.  I got an economic report late this afternoon from one of our consultants and EVERYONE sees it getting worse and lasting until at least June or July.  

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I've just got a circulation going, fill up the water container then it stays in the truck for 3 days, eat fruits and veggies peeled.

The most important thing to me is staying away from other people and being very aware of what I'm touching and washing hands after.

The grocery store is the most empty just before closing, I just put a handful of fresh things in a plastic bag then use self check out, only need to do that once a week if that. I can make do with canned fruit, apple sauce and vitamin c for now.

7 hours ago, preraph said:

ordered some grapes and I'm going to cancel them because there's no way to wash all those grapes off.

Just rinse them off well then pat them dry? Leave them to next day to eat? That's what I'd do.

But being just me I don't tend to buy much fresh stuff at a time, it goes off and I hate waste.

We can for free have the staff pick and bring us out shopping right now but I like to pick my own stuff anyway especially fresh stuff.

Next time I'm going to get a bag of the little oranges, I'll just rinse and dry them with kitchen towel.

Having anxiety disorder I have tended to be neurotic about food and handwashing anyway. If I see people pick something up and put it back I can't buy that one, and I still can't take the front box off the shelf. Don't ask me why, it's irrational- I know intellectually someone touched them all to put them there.

Loved it when the self-checkouts came out, I've always been aware of how much people will touch things, mess with their hair, scratch etc. Then my sister went into infection control so I knew too much about the norovirus 24 hour d & v infections and stuff and if I thought about it or saw a waiter handling dirty plates etc then I couldn't eat my food in restaurants. I'd just pretend not to be hungry so people didn't notice. My temporary homes since Harvey I couldn't stop cleaning because truthfully they haven't been very clean environments, but I guess even before that I was an anxiety disorder waiting to happen, I've always bleached down my kitchen and bathroom daily! I'm actually way better than I used to be even with the pandemic, after Harvey I had numerous melt-downs at checkouts, 'please don't touch my stuff', the local managers and staff were so kind to me but it was embarrassing. 

I think the grocery staff all deserve recognition for continuing to work through the pandemic. We take them for granted the rest of the time, but we'd be lost without them now, and they are a source of positivity and encouragement where I am too.




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Fletch Lives

A lot of that stuff is overkill.

Yeah, don't wash vegies with soap - soap may not totally rinse off and it's bad for you if you ingest it.

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15 hours ago, K.K. said:

First “Masks are of no good!” Then “Masks are indeed helpful and good.”  I never could understand the mask hate anyway. Doctors have worn them for eons for the sole purpose of not getting germs in their face, ay? None of it makes sense. That probably will be the status quo from now on. 

I think they just lied and said that to keep us from ordering them so there'd be enough for hospital staff.  Of course it wouldn't hurt to wear a mask.  I noticed everyone in China was wearing them.

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Everything is handled with gloves anyways as the law is required them to....someone with the virus would have to lick everything to make it worthy of all that disinfecting.

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No Doctors wear masks to not contaminate their patient, especially in surgery. Hand washing is to protect both BUT it's mainly for the patient so they don't get Sepsis.

The mask is only good on someone who is sick so that they don't spread it....a healthy person wearing a mask doesn't really protect much, that's why doctors and healthcare workers who are working closely with infected patients are wearing a mask with a face shield.

If you want to protect yourself, you would have to wear a full face respirator with defender cartridges that has the N95 hepa filter. Even that isn't 100% effective but more effective than a stupid rag or paper mask. .

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54 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

Everything is handled with gloves anyways as the law is required them to....someone with the virus would have to lick everything to make it worthy of all that disinfecting.

I disagree.  They really don't know how all the different ways this particular virus spreads.  One doctor last night said it's like a dust.  If you think of it that way, then all these precautions might be worth it.

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We are getting all kinds of info...what has been stated on the news, it does shed and adheres to clothing and hair. So do wash your clothes and have a shower after you have been in public. The virus also spreads in droplets after someone the coughs and or sneezes. I see the staff at all the locations wearing gloves, and they close early to sanitize shelves, touch surfaces and product on the shelves as per the law here in BC Canada. Anyone that feels sick is to self isolate and get tested. That goes for everyone everywhere here.

I do my own shopping so I have had np, I already wash my fruit and veggies anyways. Packages of meat go right into the freezer. Wash hands social distancing. It works.

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Well this is just great. 


18-wheeler carrying toilet paper crashes in Dallas


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As for masks - I am all for them. Apparently people can be ill and shedding virus without symptoms - wearing a mask will help prevent spread. 

I have a resusable 95 mask, bought one when we had the fires here and terrible air quality.

For the grocery store I wear my mask, cotton gloves (helps keep me from touching my face more than anything), and I always wear glasses - so some eye protection.

It's funny, if I am shopping in an Asian neighborhood, everyone is wearing masks. Standard procedure. No funny looks. 

But when I went to my local "health food" type store (white neighborhood) - I didn't see anyone in masks, employees were not wearing masks nor gloves, and we're not wiping down the conveyor belts etc like the Asian stores, or even Target has been doing. The checker made some snide remark about "hazmat suits".

I felt like saying "hey I am sorry you have to work through this, and your employer is not offering any protection for you - but I am protecting BOTH of us".

The virus is HERE. My county was the first to have it in the state and we have many cases  A family a block away from my house has 3 people in the hospital, and a homeless man known to frequent our neighborhood park has died. 

I just do not understand the attitude. I am sure they have to study it more, but I have read that wearing masks is one of the reasons asian countries have been able to flatten their curves so quickly. No stimgma against masks - social pressure to wear them, rather than the opposite we have here.

Masks do not hurt and may help, so why not?!

As for cleaning, my routine is close to, but not as over the top as the doctors above. All packaging gets wiped down with a Clorox wipe. I have the "clean counter" and dirty counter to unload onto. Vegis etc get well rinsed and put into zip lock bags for storage. 

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I think people should do what they feel best during the pandemic based on what we know, but one reason I don't like masks is they encourage a 'business as usual' attitude- wherever I see people wearing masks on screen or out they are not following the social distancing rules, they are way too close to each other.

It's what happened using gloves in the nursing home environment, carers started using them without thinking what they were doing with them on, forgetting anything you touch with a glove is still transmitted if you touch something else.

The best thing is still to stay home as much as possible.




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My wife just received 1000 N 95 masks from China.  She got them some non touching thermometers when they were in need and they sent her the masks.  She brought a few home for us.  I'll  wear one, I don't care what people say.

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1 hour ago, Piddy said:

I'll  wear one, I don't care what people say.

why would you? Care what people say I mean...

But staying home is still the best course of action en masse. 

And essential if someone has symptoms or a sick household member.

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35 minutes ago, preraph said:

Well this is just great. 


18-wheeler carrying toilet paper crashes in Dallas


I bet it was all gone in seconds. Once I was near a soda truck that had wrecked in an intersection. The cops on the scene told me to take as much as I wanted!

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18 hours ago, K.K. said:

Thanks for this, @Piddy Very helpful. I was just thinking about this video as I was watching the news. Now they’re saying don’t wash your vegetables with soap. Soap is not “safe” or something. I don’t know what they recommended as I grew annoyed and turned it off. 

I don’t even know why I watch the news anymore. It’s obviously the blind leading the blind. Information changing daily because this is all a first for us and nobody knows. Just trudging along trying to do the right thing as it appears at any given moment. First “Masks are of no good!” Then “Masks are indeed helpful and good.”  I never could understand the mask hate anyway. Doctors have worn them for eons for the sole purpose of not getting germs in their face, ay? None of it makes sense. That probably will be the status quo from now on. 

Yeah, that is odd about the soap.  Soap and water get rid of the virus on your hands, so I would think it would get rid of it on fruit and vegetables.  But who knows?  

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1 hour ago, Piddy said:

Soap and water get rid of the virus on your hands, so I would think it would get rid of it on fruit and vegetables. 

It probbly does, but leaves soap residue on the food. You'd have to rinse it off very thoroughly? If you suck your hands after washing ( don't! ) you'd likely ingest soap too. 

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Mask is to protect others, if you caugh your dropplets will be contained but that being said a mask and gloves may give you a false sense of security cause you to self infect if you do not know how to take those off. A virus can stay pretty long on the outside of your mask and the outside of your gloves. 

Mask will not protect you from catching it as if someone caugh next to you you'll get it through your eye mucus. 

There is also a matter of availability. Where I live we have about 7 days left of masks for our first line hospital workers. I will not take masks away from people who risk their life every day to care for the victimes of covid-19.

The best way is to stay home, and when you go grocery shopping just stay away from people and wash your hands. 

At my grocery store they have everyone wash their hands at the entrance and distance between customers is respected. Last time I went I felt safe. 

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