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Spiritual awakening

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This is kind of a odd experience everyone is different when it comes to feeling their souls being awakened, having an out of body experience mine happened to be 8 years ago while I was standing at work, I was working two jobs at the time over the summer I got out of an abusive relationship so I pretty content and at peace at where I was and where I was going in my life at that moment it was December of 2012 when he walked into my life and gave me a universe I will never forget, he never touched me at least no physically contact was made but his voice I felt it, you know when music just hits you and gets those goosebumps and for a moment you feel like you're on top of the world conquering everything that's what it felt like in a way, my veins were on fire every cell was tingling my heart exploded open and had an out of body experience into the universe I saw fireworks in stars and a whole new sense of power and strength through that man's voice, it was incredibly amazing and beautiful, I got fired shortly after for feeling what I felt though I haven't really stopped holding onto that awakening though it was truly the most intense innocent moment I've ever experienced with anyone no one else can ever touch me the way his voice touched my soul to the very core essences of me nothing compares to the intense firework sensation that overcame my body, heart, soul and mind. that was truly the best night of my life but yet its been a struggle to live ever since tons of blocks, confusion, one minute I'm on top of the world and the next I'm under it, roller coaster with my head and my heart.  

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