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Should I get tested for coronavirus?

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Eternal Sunshine

Few days ago, I started feeling a bit unwell and more tired than usual. I had a nap and since then I have napped every evening. I am feeling slightly feverish, my nose is somewhat blocked, and I feel a lot of mucus accumulating. My throat is not sore but maybe slightly scratchy. Today, I started coughing but it's pretty mild so far.

It feels like an average cold/flu. As far as I know, I haven't been in contact with anyone that was infected. However, within last 2 weeks, I have caught 2 flights within Australia and have been on a scuba-diving day trip with a boat full of people. At that time, Australia only had 100 or so cases.

I have taken measures to self-isolate - working from home, ordered groceries online. I don't want to get tested (and risk going out and getting infected if I am not already) if I don't have to.

Would you wait this out?

Edited by Eternal Sunshine
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yes wait it out.  sounds like you are not having any respiratory issues or shortness of breath.  that is good.  if you ever get these symptoms like respiratory distress then you should go to the doctor or emergency room.

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Inhale hold breath for ten seconds. good? Deep, dry cough or no? You can track SpO2 levels with pulse oximeter. Down around 90? Cough? Consider further examination.

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I believe the medical advice in most places is to call ahead to doctor or emergency room if you suspect you have the pandemic virus.

The Covid-19 has a high fever, I'll post a reputable link below.

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It could very well be the cold or flu, but it's just better to be safe than sorry. Should you chose to wait, don't do it for too long.  

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That is just 100 that were confirmed at the time.  Look at the stats now (452) and consider, you have been in an international airport where you have been exposed to all those transiting through.

If you have the ability to get tested, please don't hesitate.  I know it's scary but it is the responsible thing to do. 

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@Eternal Sunshine here in Oz, we currently aren't testing those who haven't been O/S or in contact with someone who's known to have the virus.   There simply aren't the amount of test kits or medical staff to do it all.   One of my friends ticks the boxes for so many of the symptoms, but still isn't eligible for testing.   She's quarantining by choice.  

On the positive for you, stuffy nose isn't a corona virus symptom.   But call the 1800 number to see what they say.

Edited by basil67
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A lot of people I know have been getting sick with a cold lately (I'm also based in Australia) - including my partner, so there is something else going around. The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are fever and a dry cough. If your nose is stuffy and you feel as if it's an average cold, then it's unlikely you have Covid-19, rather just a standard cold. You're still doing the right thing by quarantining yourself (even with seasonal flu, you should do that to avoid spreading it!)

I would suggest calling your doctor or the 1800 number just to be sure though. 

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Id be inclined to sit it out personally and self isolate, dose yourself with vitamin d (not that your lacking in sunshine -no pun intended!)

elderflower tincture is good for cough and mucus-herbal remedy, fluids to lower fever,

can they do that much for you in hospital, its up to the immune system really.

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re previous post- just wishing to state that hospital nebuliser treatment will be crucial for many so incorrect of me to question what hospitals can do,


hopefully a person can shake it without needing the nebuliser though

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9 hours ago, Eternal Sunshine said:

Would you wait this out?



We have had a handful of cases of covid 19 in my area, (1 in my little town), my kid has all the symptoms (non-stop cough, flu-like symptoms) and got sent home from school today (he was fine this morning).

I'm surrounded by dr friends, they all said mild symptoms can be anything. We were told by NHS for him to self-isolate and for us to be quarantined (no choice) and to wait it out. They will only test if it's very serious.

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I'm in an area with a large outbreak. If it were me, I would get tested. I would want to know if I had it for a number of reasons, from knowing I'm developing immunity to it, to being absolutely sure I don't infect others. I don't understand being "scared" to get tested. What are you scared of? Knowledge is power.

This question should be asked of your doctor, or an urgent care clinic or ED, not us. 

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ES, In your place I'd get my rest and do whatever it is you usually do when you want to build your immune system up. If you call your Dr. and give him your symptoms you'd probably be told you're not yet eligible for a test at this point anyway.

I've been reading that one thing they did when the Spanish Flu outbreak occurred in 1918/1919, was to get the patients outside in the sunshine as much as possible. You can research this online as it's alluded to in many articles. I've also been reading that viruses don't like warmth and sunshine. So maybe that'd be something you could add to your regimen to beat this, even if it's just a regular cold.


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35 minutes ago, greymatter said:

I'm in an area with a large outbreak. If it were me, I would get tested. I would want to know if I had it for a number of reasons, from knowing I'm developing immunity to it, to being absolutely sure I don't infect others. I don't understand being "scared" to get tested. What are you scared of? Knowledge is power.

@greymatter testing is very limited here in Australia due to lack of test kits.  Clinics are turning people away unless they've been O/S or have been close contact with someone who's tested positive.  

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On 3/17/2020 at 10:13 AM, Eternal Sunshine said:

Few days ago, I started feeling a bit unwell and more tired than usual. I had a nap and since then I have napped every evening. I am feeling slightly feverish, my nose is somewhat blocked, and I feel a lot of mucus accumulating. My throat is not sore but maybe slightly scratchy. Today, I started coughing but it's pretty mild so far.

It feels like an average cold/flu. As far as I know, I haven't been in contact with anyone that was infected. However, within last 2 weeks, I have caught 2 flights within Australia and have been on a scuba-diving day trip with a boat full of people. At that time, Australia only had 100 or so cases.

I have taken measures to self-isolate - working from home, ordered groceries online. I don't want to get tested (and risk going out and getting infected if I am not already) if I don't have to.

Would you wait this out?

Don't wait, call your local public health hotline and get instructions on what you should do.  Don't rely on us laymen to tell you what you should do.  Here in Canada they will give you instructions on what to do in order to get tested while keeping yourself and others safe.

(forgive me if this has been said or the situation resolved.. I just read the opening post and no more).

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18 hours ago, LivingWaterPlease said:

I've been reading that one thing they did when the Spanish Flu outbreak occurred in 1918/1919, was to get the patients outside in the sunshine as much as possible. You can research this online as it's alluded to in many articles. I've also been reading that viruses don't like warmth and sunshine. So maybe that'd be something you could add to your regimen to beat this, even if it's just a regular cold.

The frustrating thing about this is in the case of Covid-19, that we are told to isolate ourselves (ie. NOT go outside). I don't know how true the sunlight thing is, but I do know that if I've got a cold, my symptoms don't feel as bad if I'm outside. I suppose the way around it is stay away from people and don't touch anything!

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Eternal Sunshine

I am feeling slightly worse, my fever is up a bit and since yesterday evening, I have lost a sense of taste. Taste thing is a weird symptom but when I googled it, it has been reported in nearly everyone that had coronavirus.

I haven't seen the doctor yet because I have no difficulty breathing or severe cough and fever is still managable. From what I read in Australia, strict rules are generally enforced when you visit one of the testing centers by yourself. However, your GP can still order a test, so it's a judgement call. My GP is very obsessive and tests for everything so I think she would give me a test. I will wait another 24 hours and give the clinic a call.

The reason why I would want to know is mainly to see if I have built an immunity to it when I recover. Then I can later move more freely and get food and things for my parents etc.

Edited by Eternal Sunshine
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Sorry to hear you are feeling worse. Don't wait too long to call if you have any doubts. I agree it would be good to know if you have it, so you will know that you have immunity to it. Hope you feel better, fast.

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4 hours ago, snowboy91 said:

The frustrating thing about this is in the case of Covid-19, that we are told to isolate ourselves (ie. NOT go outside). I don't know how true the sunlight thing is, but I do know that if I've got a cold, my symptoms don't feel as bad if I'm outside. I suppose the way around it is stay away from people and don't touch anything!

Well, yes, go outside but stay away from people when you do. If you're in a very crowded area that may be hard to do, I suppose. Where I live, I can go outside and not be around others, which I do daily.

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22 hours ago, Eternal Sunshine said:

I am feeling slightly worse, my fever is up a bit and since yesterday evening, I have lost a sense of taste. Taste thing is a weird symptom but when I googled it, it has been reported in nearly everyone that had coronavirus.

I haven't seen the doctor yet because I have no difficulty breathing or severe cough and fever is still managable. From what I read in Australia, strict rules are generally enforced when you visit one of the testing centers by yourself. However, your GP can still order a test, so it's a judgement call. My GP is very obsessive and tests for everything so I think she would give me a test. I will wait another 24 hours and give the clinic a call.

The reason why I would want to know is mainly to see if I have built an immunity to it when I recover. Then I can later move more freely and get food and things for my parents etc.

Whoa! I am in a white hot zone and have been fighting something off for a week. I figure it is 50/50 that is it COVID-19. We are on lockdown. No test kits available.

The two symptoms that are really usual for me are:

1. Exhaustion. And it comes in waves.

2. Loss of taste and smell. My runny nose has cleared up but I can't taste a damn thing. Nada. Zero. It is the weirdest sensation.  


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