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Any suggestions for weight loss

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I'm what's called an endomorph - predisposed to muscle & fat and sort of round. I'm fine with that. But one of the qualms is gaining weight easily. 

I'm relatively fit but for the last 3-4 months found myself on a weight 'plateau' and despite cutting consumption and exercising daily haven't really lost weight. I eat healthy - widely avoid processed, etc. - and drink *lots* of water. 

Any suggestions to 'jump start' more weight loss. I was thinking intermediate fasting or 'fasting' for a week but ... 

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It's all about calories in v calories out; nutrition & portion control.  Make intelligent healthy food choices & perhaps change your exercise regime.  

This morning on a medical / health segment a doctor on the radio said "abs are made in the kitchen not the gym."  

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13 hours ago, d0nnivain said:

This morning on a medical / health segment a doctor on the radio said "abs are made in the kitchen not the gym."  

My favorite trainer at my old lifting gym always said this. If you want abs, it doesn't matter how many sit-ups and planks you do; you just have to eat less.

Very low carb diets (not necessarily keto) can be effective in jumpstarting weight loss. I have had friends who do great with IF as well. Your best bet might be to spend a week or two logging everything you eat and when, and then seeing where the issues are---late night snacks or too-large breakfasts? Sporadic sugar binges at 3 PM? If you can find specific times or triggers, you can figure out a plan to address them. If it's just a matter of "I eat just a little bit too much overall" then a reset won't really help if you go back to the same old habits. It's not sexy, but a meaningful calorie deficit will do the trick.

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Besides the usual no carbo diet, you could try smoking cigars. Or eating hot peppers. That leaves a bad

taste in your mouth, kills your appetite temporarily. Try eating in strange places like the bathtub.

Distract yourself watching television or the internet.

Seriously, you could hire a dietician who will guide and advise you.

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So have you been losing weight until this plateau? 

The body will do everything it can (when we lose weight) to put that weight on again. Most likely, your body is slowing your metabolism, and burning fewer calories.

So every time you lose, you need fewer calories right ... but it's worse than that.

The studies seem to show this:

Two people weight 150 pounds.

One person has always been around 150 pounds. The other person lost 20 pounds to get to 150 pounds. 

The person who lost 20 pounds will need like 10 to 15 percent fewer calories (to maintain the same weight) than the person who has always been at 150 pounds.

Weight lifting can be good ... for shape ... and for overall well being and for burning a few more calories ... I say consider hanging at this plateau weight for a while ... until you're ready to make a push for a lower weight. Just maintaining even moderate weight loss is a great accomplishment.

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I've been around awhile and I've eaten with and seen thousands of people eat over the course of my life. The horizontally challenged eat a lot. Many skinny people eat like a bird.

I realize it can be incredibly hard to lose weight......because it's a lifestyle change. I sympathize.

Eat smaller portions and skip a meal. 

Edited by Fletch Lives
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Avoid olive oil or any oil for that matter. I'm actually trying to gain weight after losing too much from emotional issues. So, I've been reading a lot of labels lately.

There's 120 calories in a tablespoon of olive oil. That's only 0.5 ounces!

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a healthy diet. plenty of vegetable and EXERCISE.

that is science. forget the fads and the avoid this and avoid thats.

oh and throw away the scales. 

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