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l thought this one must've been a joke, or some chick complaining about trouser snakes :bunny:


Same thought, when I saw the thread title wasn't sure if it would be about sexual dysfunction or tips on drain cleaning.


I think exposure to snakes and other "scary" guys is a good thing, helps us understand our place in the world. When my wife was teaching, she kept a tarantula in her classroom. Gave it to another teacher when she retired, last I heard it was still alive, at this point at least 30 years old...


Mr. Lucky

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I think you should just tell her - why be embarassed? Many adults are afraid of snakes or, if not afraid, will not tolerate them being within their 'safe space'.


She may not want a boyfriend who is afraid of snakes, but that's a different issue. She is probably going to carry on keeping snakes so I would not expect her to do anything different.


Maybe you need to find a different girlfriend?

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I only hope future generations finally get over this irrational fear and wanton destruction of animals like snakes and other reptiles that are just as viable a creature as any other, an important member of the food chain and necessary for proper maintenance of a viable ecosystem..


Anyway, once you open your mind you realize that these animals are quite beautiful and non venomous varieties that are commonly kept make fine pets...They wont adore you like your dog will, but they don't bark, shyt on your carpet, smell, need to be walked or anything else a dog requires...Also dogs, even small ankle biter types, are FAR more likely to inflict serious bodily harm..


Open your mind up....learn to live and respect natures creatures...The fear is not really rational...



I’m glad to see someone standing up for animals that are not so common. Snakes are beautiful creatures and while some shouldn’t be kept as pets, plenty are able to be kept.


While I don’t own any snakes, I do have several pet scorpions. When people find out, some tell me they would outright kill them. They are actually shy, quiet animals that only sting if their life feels threatened. Some of mine are even friendly. Those who are curious about my pets find they are not aggressive killing machines but rather interesting and gentle.


Try learning more about snakes by asking your girlfriend questions about them. You may come to discover they’re not as scary as you think.

Edited by Snow_Queen
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