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A joke or a sign of immaturity?


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At least he was honest about who he is. It's his opinion and if you don't vibe with it at least you knew from the start.

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Well, I would think that he I said a very self-important, arrogant, a$$.


Or, he is insecure and he is trying to inflate his ego and impress you, albeit misguided.


I tend to think it’s the former... he clearly didn’t have the self awareness to know his audience and know that he should put a filter on some of his comments. He definitely wouldn’t be getting another date from me.

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Yeah, the flowers/wine is nice. But these comments would send him straight to the trash for me. He seems so full of himself. And seriously.. bros before hoes? Are you guys really young? The whole "bros before hoes" and "sisters before misters" seems more like a middle school thing to me. He sounds like an arrogant kid pretending to be an adult LOL. Yeah, run. Just run.

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He's trying to be an alpha but alphas exude their values (whether you agree with them or not), not recite them. Way TMI and it sounds like he talks more than he listens.


Perhaps he's felt like or has come across like a pussy before so he's talking a macho game, but the wine and flowers is a total try-hard move. Next.

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I have a current thread about my post V-day date joke guy, and some of my questions got lost in the conversation, so I decided to make this a separate post:


First date after meeting online. The guy brought flowers and an expensive bottle of wine as a gift (first date). During the conversation, he made a few comments which made me feel a bit... uneasy. He was on the "everyone gets offended these days" bandwagon, bashful of millennials (even though both he and I fall into the age group), negative towards the "me too" movement, kept on reminding me that he is a "manly man", "bros before hos" guy code, "men are supposed to be men and these days they are pu**ies" kind of rhetoric. Said that a friend's teenage daughter accused him of slapping her butt, which he allegidly didn't do, implying she was craving attention like "all the snowflake kids these days"


What would be your initial impression of this person? I don't have a lot of experience dating, so not sure if this is the mainstream opinion for most men, or something to be alarmed about.


"or something to be alarmed about"


I'm not too sure it's a good idea to date the President of the United States . . .


And, yes, I would run for the hills, the guy has misogynist written all over him.

Edited by Redhead14
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Wow - what a harsh room. So he made a joke that you didn't like. It's not like he was offensive or anything. Honestly, if you are doubting if you should see him anymore because he made a pheromone joke, I'd go ahead and not see him because you will only accept perfection.


And TBH, the bigger red flag is bringing flowers and wine to a first date, even on VD. But to each their own, I suppose.



Read her other thread about this guy. Making a lame joke isn't the real problem, he IS a joke . . .

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From your other thread, he does come off as a weapons grade douche, admittedly.


I kind of get the impression he's just trying WAY too hard to be cool and manly.

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Read her other thread about this guy. Making a lame joke isn't the real problem, he IS a joke . . .


Yeah, I didn't read her other post, as I try to focus on the question that is in each thread. But when I read her other post, it just confirms my suspicion, that he is a woefully insecure man. Frankly, that's okay because most young men are insecure despite their protestations to the contrary. But his the use of words like snowflake and millennial, when he is clearly a millennial himself, brings him more into the a-hole rankings.


So in summary, the joke was just a joke and I can't believe people would be upset about it but if the joke were at the tail end of a bunch of other stupid comments, then I can understand it. Either way, whether it's just one joke or a trail of dumb comments, I think OPshould stop seeing him because either she is a perfectionist or he is a douche, or both.

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And, yes, I would run for the hills, the guy has misogynist written all over him.


...and who tells someone on the first date they have been accused of slapping a teenagers butt...


He sounds like a keeper...:rolleyes:

Edited by elaine567
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Yeah, I didn't read her other post, as I try to focus on the question that is in each thread. But when I read her other post, it just confirms my suspicion, that he is a woefully insecure man. Frankly, that's okay because most young men are insecure despite their protestations to the contrary. But his the use of words like snowflake and millennial, when he is clearly a millennial himself, brings him more into the a-hole rankings.


So in summary, the joke was just a joke and I can't believe people would be upset about it but if the joke were at the tail end of a bunch of other stupid comments, then I can understand it. Either way, whether it's just one joke or a trail of dumb comments, I think OPshould stop seeing him because either she is a perfectionist or he is a douche, or both.


If she is a perfectionist, she might have been less so toward him if he reached the level of being mediocre at least . . . He might have had her at the flowers and wine but his mouth got in the way.

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So I asked him what he meant by saying that he hates his life. His reply was to the effect of, “sarcasm, a novel concept”.


That was the final straw, and I told him that we’re not right for each other and we should go our separate ways. Then he got all apologetic, saying that he wouldn’t say anything disrespectful to me. You just did, dude!


Should I give him another chance or not even bother? He told me on our date that he doesn’t like to lose, and I am concerned that he might be trying to apologize so that he is the one who is doing the dumping later so that he doesn’t “lose”.


Reading your opening post, I have to say it was an overreaction on your part.


He was clearly joking with those texts. Shouldn't have been anything to really look into. Granted, he could have said "it was sarcasm :)" instead of what he wrote.

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When a guy tells you he's a jerk, believe him. He's bragging about it, so why are you still even talking to him? This is the guy who'll date you and then try to have sex with your little sister.

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Reading your opening post, I have to say it was an overreaction on your part.


He was clearly joking with those texts. Shouldn't have been anything to really look into. Granted, he could have said "it was sarcasm :)" instead of what he wrote.


Read her other post about this guy . . . he's as smooth a sandpaper.

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The two threads she had were merged so that’s why some people are responding to one thread, and some to another. I was responding to the other thread where OP mentioned all the things he said during the date. Second thread’s OP is somewhere in the middle of this thread :confused:

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I have a current thread about my post V-day date joke guy, and some of my questions got lost in the conversation, so I decided to make this a separate post:


First date after meeting online. The guy brought flowers and an expensive bottle of wine as a gift (first date). During the conversation, he made a few comments which made me feel a bit... uneasy. He was on the "everyone gets offended these days" bandwagon, bashful of millennials (even though both he and I fall into the age group), negative towards the "me too" movement, kept on reminding me that he is a "manly man", "bros before hos" guy code, "men are supposed to be men and these days they are pu**ies" kind of rhetoric. Said that a friend's teenage daughter accused him of slapping her butt, which he allegidly didn't do, implying she was craving attention like "all the snowflake kids these days"


What would be your initial impression of this person? I don't have a lot of experience dating, so not sure if this is the mainstream opinion for most men, or something to be alarmed about.



For some reason, they merged the threads so I’m missing out on people’s opinions on my topic. Here is the second thread.

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He's as smooth as sandpaper on the rectum.




I would have thought the roses & bottle of wine on a first date would have gone down like a lead balloon.


Apparently not...

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This man is disgusting! I have no idea why you couldn’t see it and were considering giving him a chance. Those comments during the date would be dealbreakers for me. Afterwards seals the no deal.


The sweat comment - I don’t understand the joke?

The hating my life comment - that escalated. What ??

I was being sarcastic you idiot - wow, rude. And it makes no sense.



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Quick tip: we’re not supposed to create two threads about the same subject/person/theme at the same time.


For some reason, they merged the threads so I’m missing out on people’s opinions on my topic. Here is the second thread.
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You already told him you should go your separate ways after his "sarcasm, a novel concept" response.

It was rude and his whole "bros before hos" thing is just... no.

Stick to what you said.

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I'm from the old generation when men were men so to speak. What he said would have offended me then like it does me now. He's a jerkoff.

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