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A Second Chance

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You say you love so I respect that. If you can patch things up go ahead and try to get back with her.


Before you do though think about what drove you apart.


I understand a girl friend needs attention and you weren't providing it but I think some women would have seen the value of what you were doing and stayed on the train with you.


So lets say you get back together and the economy goes south and once again you have no life except work as you try to save your business.


Will she bail again or will she support you? No one knows what they will do until they in the middle of a crisis but I think you've at least had a trial run with her.


Is that what you want?


Best Wishes

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You hurt her a lot. You attempted to devalue her by suggesting she was trying to stop you doing something more important - work. Would you want to get back with someone who treated you like that?


You have said you have changed but what has changed? You have got others doing some work so that you have more time for her. That doesn't mean your personality or attitude towards her has changed though. They are different things. Unless you were stressed out and suffering mental problems at the time, there is really no excuse for treating her like you did.


She has said she can't forget the past. She means it. I think you would be wasting your time trying to get her back.


Oh, looks like I didn't read the update! Well you got her back but didn't want her in the long run. She should have stayed away and not taken the risk.

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