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Third Time's the Charm?

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I met this girl online and we were best friends for three years, before finally we both admitted our feelings for each other. Despite the 1,500 miles between us, we managed to make the relationship work for a year; but towards the last few months of that year, she was incredibly closed off and would often ignore me for weeks at a time.


We soon broke up, but managed to stay friends. It wasn't until a few months later when we got back together again because we both admitted that feelings were still there... However, we broke up after about four months because still, she was very closed off emotionally and it wasn't working out communication-wise.


We didn't talk after the second breakup for six months until earlier this year when she hit me up out of nowhere and a friendship bloomed again. Recently we've both been more on the flirty side with one another and our communication about how we feel is much better; she explained that the first time we broke up, she was very emotionally closed off because she was repressing her sexuality, she was ashamed to be gay. She also admitted that the second time around, she was going through a very depressive period in her life and couldn't handle the relationship.


Part of me wants her back, I still love her just the same as I did two years ago, but I'm afraid it'll just end in more heartbreak like the previous two times. Should I just go for it...? Or should I wait to make sure her feelings don't change and that she's still willing to continue communicating and making things work?


I'm really stuck here, please help.

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Q. Does this LDR just allow cover for her sexuality? Emoitionally closed off, then depressed. Does it sound like she has come to grips with this?

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Have you ever met in person? Is there a meaningful opportunity to close the 1500 mile gap? If not she may not be ready to come out of the closet & she's playing with your emotions, having a relationship without actually having to come to grips with who she is.


Perhaps you would be better served dating more locally

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