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He Wants Kids and I Don't

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Lots of woman want children I hear it all the time. And older women are freezing eggs.


I just don't understand what the fuss is all about. I never did. I suppose I get my material instincts out with dog training. IDK.



Why is that confusing and needs to be questioned? Some women want children and some don't. I want children, why does that confuse you? I like children. I want my own. That's not me "making a fuss".




FTR, I don't agree with anything James is saying. But I don't get why a woman's desire to have or not have children should be questioned. Maybe children are not a fuss to you but they're important to some people. I don't get the dismissive attitude.

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Regardless of your other issues, I wouldn't bring children into the marriage you describe anyway. A child adds more issues to deal with, something your relationship doesn't need and seems ill-prepared to handle...


Mr. Lucky


I agree.


Children are full humans that change your life and come with their own issues and things you cannot predict, even in a relationship that's thriving. Adding children to a struggling one will absolutely not make things better and would be selfish as far as it being a disservice to the child who didn't ask to be born.

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They (the majority of other women) are confused to why you don't want to be a mother.



Umm, I think the only person here who is confused is you, not "other women".



This post is the textbook example of mansplaining, lol.

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