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Feeling Overwhelmed

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I really put my husband in an impossible position. I never wanted to be a stay at home mother. I told him that right from the beginning. He may have this old fashion idea of having a wife stay home and take care of the house and raise the children. I mean he got two out of the three. I do 80% of the household work, and I gave him children but I can't, won't be a stay at home mother. I'm a better mother when I'm working.


I also understand his position. I've quit every job, I've had because he wanted me to up until I got caught the first time, with my former boss. I refused to quit. In the end, I got fired.


He did help me gain employment in this city, as his friend worked here. I chose to be a personal assistant to a woman colleague. I knew that I had an issue feeling inferior to men, and I do stupid ****.


Originally I wanted to go back to work full time eight weeks after the baby is born. I could have worked towards a promotion, but I think for now I'll go back just part-time. He says he doesn't mind this arrangement. That I can still get to work, and I still spend this crucial time when they are small.


Hopefully part time work will be stimulating enough for you.

I hope that your husband doesn't start insisting that you stay home.

It might be prudent to think of an action plan if your husband decides that he isn't happy with you working part time after all.

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I am gonna jump in and support the idea of working for mental health purposes. I did stay at home dad for 4 years and it nearly killed me emotionally and is a huge factor in destroying my marriage. If you want to work, do it. If your hubby doesn't like it and backs away, that might happen if you did stay at home.


I get it, working with adults is awesome, but keep doing therapy, actively work on your marriage and keep things fun when you can...kids make that hard of course!


Write out your goals for the next 10-20 years. Make sure that you keep working towards them, keep them updated and make sure you and your husband are supportive of each others' goals and are supporting each other in achieving them.


This whole people making process is a long term thing and we have to maintain ourselves first so we can do a good job!

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Hopefully part time work will be stimulating enough for you.

I hope that your husband doesn't start insisting that you stay home.

It might be prudent to think of an action plan if your husband decides that he isn't happy with you working part time after all.


It's all right now with one, and being pregnant. So the break may be nice with two thirteen months apart or I may lose my mind and want to work 12 hours 7 days a week (I'm joking about that last part) but it all really depends. I love working, I love being with my family and love my time. It's really a balance.

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Because of the holiday, I didn't have a counselling appointment this week. All day Monday I was in a bad mood. I was lashing out at my husband, my daughter, and spent a lot of my day alone. I have been feeling really down on myself. I don't know why a particular night when I was working at a strip club popped into my mind. I'm not going to go into detail, but it just made me feel very low.


I just wished I could have talked to the counsellor about it. But instead, I let it emotionally consume me. I did talk to my husband about it tonight, and he made me feel better and reassured me. But it just made me feel more guilty. I just really hope after the baby is born, my hormones will stabilize and I can feel more myself.

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