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Husband forces himself on me


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Impulsive behavior can't lead you to any success.

You can't just decide to leave him without a plan A and Plan B!


First, in order to help you. We need to know where you live.

Like if you live in the middle east or rural eastern Europe or rural Asia, there are not many better options provided for you anyway.


If you live in the United States, is it in rural areas?

But even if you are in the US, the solution can be attained with proper thinking.


We need to talk about your qualifications, for a starter, do you work?

Do you have a degree?


If no, then you need to start by searching for a job first or get a degree like GED that allows you to work.


You need to build a resume.


Also, why don't you have any friends?

Is your husband controlling you and stopping you from meeting others?


Again you might be in the US, but still, belong to one of these cult religious groups, so getting out is harder without help from specialists.


You right now need to suck it up, pretend you enjoy his miserable sex and plan behind his back to run away to another city where you can work.

But how can you work without money? So while you pretend you enjoy him, you need to demand bigger allowance and stuff and then you hide every penny he gives you, you hide it well and use it toward your escape.


You need to take pills so you don't get a third child.



You need to be smart about it, don't ever show him you are planning to leave him!

Edited by Noproblem
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Impulsive behavior can't lead you to any success.

You can't just decide to leave him without a plan A and Plan B!


First, in order to help you. We need to know where you live.

Like if you live in the middle east or rural eastern Europe or rural Asia, there are not many better options provided for you anyway.


If you live in the United States, is it in rural areas?

But even if you are in the US, the solution can be attained with proper thinking.


We need to talk about your qualifications, for a starter, do you work?

Do you have a degree?


If no, then you need to start by searching for a job first or get a degree like GED that allows you to work.


You need to build a resume.


Also, why don't you have any friends?

Is your husband controlling you and stopping you from meeting others?


Again you might be in the US, but still, belong to one of these cult religious groups, so getting out is harder without help from specialists.


You right now need to suck it up, pretend you enjoy his miserable sex and plan behind his back to run away to another city where you can work.

But how can you work without money? So while you pretend you enjoy him, you need to demand bigger allowance and stuff and then you hide every penny he gives you, you hide it well and use it toward your escape.


You need to take pills so you don't get a third child.



You need to be smart about it, don't ever show him you are planning to leave him!



Umm, in most developed countries she can just call the authorities right now. No need for all that subterfuge, there are women's shelters and there will be alimony later on.

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