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Why I Never Develop Intense Feelings For Women Anymore


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I also think a lot of Love is basically Lust. No woman can break my heart.


She would have to know me and be the driving force into getting us together. We are in bliss for 4 yrs and have a child together. Then she pulls the plug and I can't see the reason for it. Even if there is no other guy in the picture.


I think when one is younger. Feelings are more intense. We all have to stop thinking that we are missing out being single. Singleness is no curse for me or anyone else. We can't all be coupled up at all times. At best we learn about ourselves in relationships.


How I think of us as a modern day society as this.


Multiple relationships in our lifetime and all kids and marriages do is slow it down.


One relationship for life. Very rare, unless you die first. I have lots of friends

and my parents/brother are well. Thats who is important and needs to be nurtured. Not being consumed with looking for love.


My Buddy GJ has his GF, but he lacks friendships and his family is fragmented. I would never change places with him.


As I have said before in other posts. It seems its better when the women come to me than when I go for them. What I don't get is what I am missing on my end when I make the choice to date a woman, but when it comes to me. It seems more rocksolid to a point.


Its like if I went on some program where I get picked romantically vs my own pics. My own pics never work out. The women that pick me are a better match for a certain time.

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As a teenager, I used to develop strong and intense feelings for women and would fantasize what it would be like to be with them, many nights were spent obsessing over my crushes. I would finally muster some courage to pursue my crushes and one by one, every single women who I ever fell for never felt the same way about me. Every girl who I ever talked to, I would get excited that she would finally be "the one", the girl to break the singleness curse and become my girlfriend. And every single time, I was only met with pain and disappointment. Every rejection felt like a sharp jolt of pain, and eventually it shattered whatever confidence and self-esteem I had.


That's why I never get crushes anymore. I can never allow myself to develop intense feelings for someone ever again because of the amount of times iv'e been hurt by women. Like Cleveland Browns fans, I never get my hopes up. Because when you get your hopes up, that's when it hurts the most.


I wish I had a girlfriend, someone to love, someone to have sex with but every time I put myself out in an opportunity to find it, I fail. I get rejected time and time again and it breaks me down. Whatever decision I make, every move is a losing move. I can never win.

The pursuit of love has made me jaded, has beaten me down, and destroyed me twice. And that's when I came to the realization that if I spent my life chasing girls, I would die a bitter old man. That I must build my foundation not on validation and approval from women, but on approval from myself.


I learned this year that women must never be a top priority in life because that would mean an unhappy life.


No, I was meant for something greater...


Focus on something that makes you happy, not on something that will ultimately disappoint you and break your heart...




I probably could have written this post too. Much has been said but I agree with you but also don't stop looking but fill your life with other things to and don't make looking the be all and end all of everything.



I think we as people have a huge capacity to care and in a largely uncaring world I have found this brings me a certain degree of solace, to simply take interest in people, be they co workers, the guy who hands out promotional material, the lady behind the counter, just be friendly and take an interest.



The bold, the one way is to counteract this with success elsewhere in life and how you measure that is up to you, for me its doing things well, making the best decisions I can.



That feeling of no dating success is a prevailing one and you cannot let it leak into other areas of life because then yes, life becomes very unhappy indeed.



Set yourself objectives and work with those because it gives you purpose and when you have purpose you generally don't have time to dwell on too much negative.



I have three things I want this year, one relates to work, one relates to success and the third relates to dating. You need to explore ideas but divorce yourself from the bad parts of it, its like eating a rich cake, you cant eat it all at once or you will be sick, likewise with dating, have enough of a try to be trying but not enough of a try to leave you sick.



Crushes, have you ever thought about trying to friend zone a crush? Might give you the companionship and interaction you want with few of the negatives relating to rejection. I do believe you can get over the line eventually and being a friend allows a better platform to simply be you because there are no expectations.

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