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Should I stop seeing this woman or in this case?


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Totally agree, anticipation of sex when the attraction has been built up over time is amazing. Definitely a good make out session one date and then the next date take it further (and not dates 1 and 2!). I am a big fan of the by the time you get to bed you are both just dying to rip each others clothes off each other lol


I think people rush things and miss building that intense sexual tension (also with the wrong person I find it doesn't actually build for me which makes choosing a partner easier)

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Okay thanks, the next women, I am definitely going to take it a lot slower with. Thank you for the good advice.


As for this current woman, how should I handle things with her now, since I have a lot of fun with her, but there seems to be a lack of sexual attraction or perhaps compatibility?

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Eternal Sunshine

Hairy chest? Never heard of that before...


Yeah, I like to move things forward gradually..like hand holding, kiss on the lips one date, light make out on the next, heavier make out on the next, tops come off on the date after.... By the time we have sex, we are already familiar with each other's bodies and at least are both sure that we want to.

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Yes the hairy chest turned me off, but I don't want to be shallow. Next time I will wait longer and be more familiar with the body.

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